44: Save Himself

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A/N: shit goes down in this chapter. I'd recommend reading it. Just saying.

OH! And, I'm nearly at 30K reads which is FREAKIN INSANE. I love you all so much! Thankyou.


Chapter 44: Amy's POV: Save Himself

The week was almost passed, and I had been given no grief from anyone- nor Sam. I'd made it through to Friday without having a breakdown from the constant stress and anxiety that was hovered over my head. It was easy. But, just, too easy. Our dinner-table had barely spoke about him and his entrance to school as if we were afraid to use his name- for Christ' sake, who was he? Freakin' Voldemort? As for, the rest of the school remained lulled; like something bad was waiting to happen. We were all watching our backs. We just had one day left.

At the end of the day, what could he do to us anyway? All secrets between Jake, our pasts, and I were out- for everyone, literally. Knowing that, I had built my confidence up for today. If he was going to strike like a vicious cobra, then he'd have done it by now- surely.

However, why the hell Tyler felt the need to join that motley posse was unbeknown to me. If anything, it felt like a smack in the face. First you have feelings for me, second, you run to join my worst enemies. What a catch.

"Thank God it's Friday, huh?" Caleb huffed, as Zac, himself, Jake and I walked through the entrance (and yes, there was a perfectly good reason why we decided to conquer school in a tight crew- we're stronger in teams. I'm aware it sounds ridiculously exaggerated, but let's not forget that this psychopath dangled me from a waterslide!)

"You're telling me. I've never been so tight and tense in my life as I have this week." Complained Zac.

"Bro, you have a girlfriend. You should get benefits that prevent that." Jake winked, grazing his lipring with his teeth gently.

He caused a slight splutter of broken giggles from the other two boys.


"You're a pig," I insulted with a laugh. "You know that?"

"Princess," He smirked, snaking his arm around my lower waist mid-walk. "You don't mean that."

"Oh but what if I do?" I tormented.

"Then I'm sorry." He grinned, pecking my cheek.

"Apology accepted."

"PDA." Zac coughed.

"Cooties." Caleb followed on, annoyingly.

It was fun to torment them like that. Caleb didn't really care all that much, he just enjoyed playing along with the "relationships are gross", but in a kind joking way. As for Zac, well, he was just frustrated because his girlfriend didn't go to our school. T'old Leila.

We all went to the attendance office, as we do religiously every morning to receive our mark of presence on the register. Actual lessons didn't start for a while once we arrived there, so we just chatted casually amongst ourselves in the canteen. Every morning, the room contained hardly any pupils and was in extremely low-light. Nobody recognisable or important sat in there, just the odd few kids who liked to be early for school.

However, that wasn't the case today.

My eyes were wandering the dark hall when they landed on Sam. My chest still tightened whenever I saw him in an odd sense of fear, but that wasn't the problem in this instance- I'd become used to that. He didn't grimace, or sneer, or give me a threatening dead-eye. He caught me staring intensively, and what did he do?

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