37: Jackpot

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Jake's POV: Chapter 37: Jackpot

I was worried about Amy. Usually, she was like a piece of untouchable rock, and that is no word of an exaggeration. Yesterday (the first day of school since Summer) didn't run so smoothly for her, but she handled it with ease and battled off girl after girl to have me for herself. Not to sound full of myself, but she wants to be with me so bad, which (going off of topic slightly) had me planning how to break the bet; I thought my irresistible charm would have took toll by now, but she's strong-minded, and won't budge unless the heat is on. I don't have much of an idea of what a relationship consists of, but I've never been so sure of anything in my life. Plus, all of the school, with the exception of Zac, Caleb and Tyler, already think we're an item. I just needed a few more days to completely crack her, and then victory- she would basically be Amelia Hunter.

Anyway, back to what I was saying, considering the bumpy road she took around her first day of school yesterday, I was concerned about her absence today. She's not ill, she would have told me, and subliminally hinted for me to flunk a day off school and take care of her in the process. I'm a simple minded creature, so the only other reason I can think of as to why she's mysteriously took a day off, is because the girls had gotten to her. 

I received a text from her this morning, saying

'Jake, I'm not going to school. Don't ask questions. I'll explain later.'

It was just as blunt as that. She didn't even tell me through our window. I just got a text.

That's basic, and Amy is far from basic.

Without her by my side, I persevered through the day. I received a surprising amount of torments about my 'new bitch'- yes, that term had been used multiple times. I didn't lash out, actually, my mother would be so proud. Instead, I just looked down on them and laughed. They were expecting a rage of anger and a hole punched into the wall, but I wasn't the person my school knew me to be. I wasn't a constantly angry, lady magnetising player anymore. With every sentence of thought that went through my mind, I saw my balls roll just a bit further away, and the most amusing part was that I gave less than a flying f-

"Hunter! Laps! I know you've got that pot on your arm, but that doesn't stop your legs from moving." Coach Hobson snapped, as he relieved me of my daydream. I couldn't believe he was making me participate with a broken arm.

I despised of PE. My muscles were created in the warmth embrace of a proper gym, not a sweaty, grotesque hall, containing the widest variety of absolute embarrassments. I hate to judge, but when it comes to Physical Education, it's inevitable not to at least think to yourself how ridiculous some people are. Number one, we'll start with the rare breed of the motley crew, there are the kids (like me) who don't care about PE, whatsoever; we hardly get involved, and just sit back and people-watch. Secondly, we have the worst form of students... the kids who think they're running for the Olympic gold medal. They eat, sleep and breathe PE, not to mention sucking up to the teacher. Funnily enough, it's often the scrawny-type that fall into this category. Also, you occasionally get a few wimps, if you will, who make you wonder how they ever got into your grade, when they can't throw a tennis ball further than five inches.

I could reel stereotypes from an infinite list all day.

"C'mon Jakey, let's keep going! Only four more laps to go, you can do this!" One of the PE-suck ups chirped from next to me, as he overtook me.

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