Chapter 14: Le Ruffled

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Chapter 14

Le Ruffled


As I lied on my bed, I stared up at the ceiling I counted the minutes that ticked past as Kristie got later and later.

Today we were going to one of my favorite jobs; one of the reasons I joined the fashion race, a store event.

I heard a car honk outside of my window and rushed out the door to Kristie's car.

As I pulled on my seat belt and shut the door tight, I heard Miss Manager mutter a "sorry I'm late," and then we were off; past tract homes, nice green dog parks, a couple of stores, until we got to the fancy department stores on the best, most shiny street in the town.

Big stores like Coach, Juicy Couture, ect. ect.

Today we were going to be modeling for a store I had only been into a couple of times, Foe Fetch. It was some expensive french store, that I honestly didn't really like, but still; a jobs a job.

As we arrived, I was immediately given clothes to dress into. A ruffled dress shirt and a light brown skirt was what I dawned. I was rushed over to makeup and hair where I sat in a chair and just marveled at my hair color.

Deja vu, right?

My hair had been dyed a light brown, on request of the shop owner a couple of days ago and I couldn't remember when was the last time my hair had been so close to its natural hair color. Not quite the same, but still, close.

When my mom saw my hair, she breathed a sigh of relief and swore she expected some unnatural shade of blue in my hair.

Once they were done I looked like a genuine doll, buns at both sides of my head like Princess Lia, except I looked much less Star Wars-like. My makeup was also simple.

Happy, I smiled at the crew and thanked them.

I was then rushed over with the other models and reminded by Madam picky to walk down the catwalk the way we were instructed.

We all lined up, all looking like pretty dolls and ventured out into the crowd one by one.

Pretty soon it was my turn and I walked into the flashing lights. I posed a few times, never loosing my balance and then turned, walking back past the display screen.

Once past the barrier between me and the crowd, a crew member shoved more clothes into my hands and I striped down into a modern dress, making sure not to mess up my hair.

I then lined up again, as instructed by Madam and strutted once again.

The rush I felt after it was completely over was amazing.

Everyone was filled with a great excited energy, giving everyone compliments and drinking champagne. For once, models were genuinely nice to each other.

That is, until I entered the women's bathroom.

There I was, doing my dirty business; trying not to pee on my dress when two models I worked with started commenting one of the other models.

"That one girl, the girl with the blonde hair is so fat!" one of them said.

"I know! I can't believe she could fit into that dress, I was so ready to tell Chere that I would take her place," another girl said.

Annoyed at their sour attitudes, I coffed loudly and then left my bathroom stall. By the time I got out to wash my hands, the two were gone.

I rolled my eyes, my mood terrible now that I had heard the retarded bimbos speak.

This was one of the things I hated about modeling, the vomit words that you form just to build yourself up.

Thankfully, there was no teenage drama and the girl they were talking about earlier was nowhere in the bathroom, in fact I saw her giggling within another group of girls.

I hinted to my manager that I wanted to leave and she pouted, leaving a somewhat handsome (probably not single) man.

Although this was a small event, there were cameras everywhere outside and we carefully walked away from them, letting the hired security escort us to our car.

Somewhere between my house and the event, 12 and1 a.m., and my consciousness;

I heard Kristie go on about packing for a trip, but then again, I could have just been dreaming.


updates!!! :OOOO


Tell me what you think cuz idk if ppl read this anymore & I'd really like to hear if you enjoy this or not XP

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