Chapter 5: Call Me

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Chapter 5

Call Me


I was doodling in French class, the clock going way too slow for my taste.

Jason hadn't called and it had been about 3 days! 3 days!

So yeah, I've decided not to care.


I mean, yeah he gave me goosebumps and was nice and smelled good...

but yeah, I don't need him!

Just cause he's ridiculously sexy doesn't mean he can just ignore me!

Or can he?


well, I hope not because that would totally suck.

Anyways, that's my plan, Ignore the living daylights out of him.

Yeah, my girlie part of my brain has been taking over for the past couple of days.

It's been a real pain...

The bell rang and with a huff I got up and went outside.

Strolling around I saw a few stupid freshmen obviously passing around a bottle of liquor.


The only people who get caught are the freshmen.

Even the coolest people I know at this school got caught back then.

Just goes to show how confusing that year can be, I guess.

Walking along the side wall of the school, I saw one of my friends.

"Hey, long time no see!" my friend Alexa waved to me from where she was sitting under a tree. She had a bag of chips next to her, some crumbs on her torn blue sweatshirt. Her blonde hair swung in her messy pony tail.

"Yeah, it's been awhile where you been?"

"You know, the usual stuff." She laughed as we sat down by our tree.

I laughed knowingly, "Uh oh."

Alexa is the one of the biggest bad girls I knew. She gets into all kinds of trouble! She's a good friend though, and would definitely stick her neck out for you if you need her. Way back when she and I used to train together, we would fight it out at The Place. But once I got my modeling job, I didn't have as much time, so we don't hang out as much. But still, we're pretty good friends.

Brianne squealed, "You two!"

She ran up to us and simultaneously gave us a big hug, "I haven't seen you two since last year!"

"Work." Alexa and I said nonchalantly.

Brianne stuck her tongue out, "No fair! You guys have skipped like a week of school already!"

"Well, Brianney, If you want we could sneak out now" Alexa smiled evilly.

Brianne gasped, her mascara-ed eyes going wide, "No! Never!"

I laughed as Brianne pouted, sitting down on the grass

Brianne is the girlie girl of the group. She is also a goody two shoes, which is odd because her parents are totally cool with 'bad' sorts of activities (they call it 'living life' or some other hippie term like that). She's the one we all go to after a fight. Yeah, she whines about how we shouldn't fight, but she also cleans our gashes and gives good advice. If you really need it, she'll help you out too, but she doesn't like it.

"I think we should, I can't remember what we did yesterday anyway" Todd, Alexa's boyfriend, sat down on the grass and plopped his head into Alexa's lap.

"Wooow. You were that high?" I snickered.

"Yeah." he yawned.

Todd is a total druggie and I have no idea how he and Alexa hooked up nor do I want to know, but one thing's for sure, he got lucky. I mean, yeah he's cute n' all but Alexa, she's gorgeous! She's way prettier than I am. But anyways, he's been hanging with us ever since they got together.

"Well, I still say no!" Brianne stuck her tongue out again before biting into her sandwich.

"Oh well, I'll take a nap then" Todd snuggled closer up to Alexa.

"Sounds good." I leaned myself next to the tree and closed my eyes.

Before I could get to sleep, my phone rang.

Todd cussed and I quickly got my wedged phone out of my pocket and answered it.


"This Rue?" A husky voice asked.

I immediately knew who it was and mentally jumped for joy.

Mentally, of course.

"Yeah, Jason?"

"Hey. I just finished class, did you want to do something?"

I internally battled myself. Should I stay in class? Or should I ditch?


Class or Jason..

Jason or Class....

"Fuck it."

Alexa raised an eyebrow.

"What? So no?" Jason said over the phone

Crap! I said that out loud.

"Uhm. Yeah, I'd love to hang out. You know where the school is right?"

Brianne smiled, obviously detecting on my girlie crush vibe.

Damn stupid brain.

"You're skipping?" Todd hissed.

I laughed, "Jealous?" I whispered to him.

"Yeah, I'll be there in 5 minutes." Jason said over the phone.

"Can't wait" I smiled.

He laughed and then hung up.

Brianne smiled evilly, "So, who you hanging out with?"

"Does it matter? I wanna go too!!!" Todd whined, pulling on Alexa's blue sweatshirt like a little kid.

I laughed, getting up, "See you later guys"

"Details!" Brianne yelled pointing an accusing finger at me.

I heard Todd whine in the distance as I walked out toward the school's gates.


sorry, short chapter AGAIN

but more to come ^^



Message ^^

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