Chapter 6: The Test

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Chpt. 6

The Test


I walked past the freshmen who were currently getting busted.

Ha! Called it!

Walking nonchalantly, I made a right past the cafeteria, left past the administration offices, and, pulling my hood of my gray sweatshirt up, I walked right out of the school gates to the parking lot.

Talk about an easy getaway...

Thankfully it was completely deserted, other than a few people taking a smoke or getting books out of their car.

I sat down on some grass in front of the school and waited, glancing at my phone every couple to seconds to see if it was five minutes yet. Of course time always decides to screw me over when I want it to go faster.

That got boring though, so i shoved my headphones in and began humming along to Ke$ha's song, "Blow".

"B-looooooow, blooooow" I softly sang along. I heard a muffled laugh behind me and swiftly turned around, embarrassed.

Tyson the rude, obnoxious speed demon was crouched down behind me, laughing his head off.

"You really want it that bad, do ya?" Tyson snickered.

I blushed bright red and smacked his arm, "No!"

He smirked, "Aw, come on Rue. I was just joking, no need to get all excited."

I gritted my teeth and turned off my ipod.

Obnoxious guy.

He got up from behind me and sat down next to me, much to my displeasure.

"So what's up?" he took off his backpack and tossed it off to the side.

"Just waiting for my ride." I muttered, hoping he would just get bored and go away.

"Really? I could just give you a ride." He flashed a goofy smile.

"Nah. That's ok." I shook my head, sending 'go away' vibes at his stupid face.

"Why not? I'm bored and you seem bored."

I rolled my eyes, "Yeah, and at what price will I have to pay?"

His eyes narrowed irritably, "No price."

"That's very uncharcteristic of you" I muttered, staring back down at my ignored ipod.

"Yeah, well I was just trying to be nice." His brown eyes rolled, "You know, as in, from the kindness of my heart and all that jazz."

I snickered, "I didn't know you had a heart."

He frowned, serious, "You damn well know I have a heart."

"Not really." I blew a stray hair out of my face and it fell onto my nose. Going cross-eyed at the stupid hair, I refocused to see Tyson's face.

His whole face was red; his fists digging into the grass beneath us.

"Rue..." He growled under his breath.

I moved the hair out of my face again and lazily looked at him, "What?"

"Give me a chance."

His hair was covering his face to the point where I uncomfortably couldn't see his eyes.

Anger overwhelmed me and my memories flashed to...

an open window. It was hot out and a faint breeze was coming though it.

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