Chapter 10

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Just saying, in the next few chapters there will be time skips.


(Time Skip)

I am so excited. Just one more night till the class trip to Disney World tomorrow.

A few things have changed within this past Month. Nathan and Juleke, Max and Sabrina, Rose and Prince Ali, and Alix and Kim have all become couples. And I have to say, I ship them all.

I can say the same that Nino, Alya, Marinette, and Lila agree with me. 

Marinette, Alya, and Lila have become the best-est of friends. But the most craziest thing is that Chloe has actually become a little nicer.

I know right.

A week after the whole 'spilling coffe on Marinette's head', Chloe got in front of the whole class after school and saying that she was sorry for every mean thing she has done and asked for all of our forgiveness, AND that she will try to be a better person.

A lot of us didn't buy it at first. It wasn't until Sabrina and Marinette said that they forgive her.

Seriously! Marinette actually forgave her. It surpised everyone. Especially Chloe. 

She thought Marinette would be the last one to forgive her. But instead She was the first.

(Oh, Marinette. You have a heart of gold.)

Marinette then asked all of us to forgive her as well. It took a while for us to forgive her. But we saw that Chloe really did want our forgiveness. So we forgave her in the end.

But I do have to say that Marinette is an amazon girl. No wonder she was chosen to be Ladybug.

Now Chloe is a little nicer. She isn't insulting anyone in our class anymore. But doesn't mean the people out side of class. Just not as often.

She even gives the class fashion tips

And is actually being a good best friend to Sabrina, like asking her for help on her homework/projects in stead of giving it to her for her to do. Also giving her good dating tips.

If you are wondering. Yes, now me and Chloe are friends again. She sometimes calles me Adrikins, but only when we are in class, with our classmates, or alone and only as a friend. And she didn't tell either of our fathers what happened a month ago.

But what is strange is that Hawk Moth hasn't really been active lately. I wonder what that is about.

(I don't know Adrien. Maybe you should ask you father about it.)

 And finally, *takes a deep breath* I STILL HAVEN'T ASKED MARINETTE OUT YET!!!!!!!!!! WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

(I don't know what is wrong with you. And you shouldn't yell at both the fans of this story and the author who made Chloe nicer and can delay you on asking Marinette out. Meany.)

Okay Adrien calm down. Not only you have tonight but also on the trip to ask her out. I mean their can be plenty of chances for you to ask. Right?

Oh, and tonight since we are leaving tomorrow morning. Me, Nino, Alya, Lila, and Marinette thought it would be a great Idea if we have a sleep over at my house. That way we can help each other get ready and wake up.

And since my dad is gone I will be able to have my first sleep over at my house. YES!

Our flight leaves at seven and we have to meet up with our teacher at the school at five. So to make it easier for us, sleep over.

Everyone should be arriving soon. Good thing I just finished cleaning up my room and hiding all my Ladybug stuff and some of my secret pictures of Marinette.

That I don't have that I got from Alya of course. Nervously laughs.


Just then I hear the door bell ring. 'That must be them.' I thought cheerfully.

I walked/ran to get the door. When I opened it I was right. Behind the door were Nino, Alya, Lila and Marinette with their luggage for the trip.

"Hey guys. Glad you can come. Come on in." I said

"Of course dude. Just be glad that your dad is gone or I wouldn't be able to come over." Nino said while walking in.

"Hey Adrien and wow. Your place is huge." Alya said.

"Hi, and I have to agree with Alya." Lila said.

I then turned to Marinette, who was still standing outside. "Um, Marinette. Would you like to come inside?" I asked her.

I guess she was spaced out because she then blushed from embarrassment and looked down. "Sorry. And yes." She then walks in. Man she's cute. "It's very nice to be here."

I smiled my kind smile. "It's nice of you to come, Mari."

I then hear someone clearing their throat. I looked to were the noice came from and it was from Lila.

CRAP! I forgot they are here too. "Oh and you guys too." I laugh nervously and blushing a little.

"Mmhm, right?" Alya said. "A-any way. Please follow me. I will show you to where you guys will be sleeping." I said gesturing them to follow me.

The first room we went to is a guest room with a big enough bed to fit three people to sleep in. 

"This is were Alya, Lila, and Marinette will sleep. Me and Nino will stay in my room." The girls said ok and placed their luggage on the floor in the room.

Lila then asked where my room was and I pointed to the room acros the hall that's in front of their room. I then asked if they wanted to come in. They all said yes.

Man, good thing I cleaned my room.

(I think Adrien is the only person that is glad they clean their room.)

I lead them to my room and they all dropped their mouths open when they saw the inside. 

I can understand with Alya and Lila dropping their mouths open. And kind of Marinette, but why Nino. "Hey nino why do you look so surprised. This isn't the first time you've been in my room. Remender the Simon says incident." 

I then got a reply. "Yea, I know but I am still amazed that this." Spreads out his arms. "Is your room."

The girls nodded their heads in agreement.

 'Is my room really that amazing.' I looked around and thought that it is compared to a normal teenagers room.

"So guys what do you guys want to do first?" I asked them.


Chapter 10 done. How do you like it so far?

If it is good then I am glad. I fit is bad then please comment what you would like to happen and I will see If I can put it into the story.

And I am thinking of putting in some of the Miraculous Ladybug PV characters. Like the ones who turns into the peacock, queen bee, and the turtle.

Comment if that is a good idea. And so far I have Chapters 11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18, and 19 planned out on what I want to happen. And if you are right with that, those PV characters won't show up until Chapter 16 So you have until then to say weather you want them in the story or not because I was going to make the peacock guy and Lila become a couple.

Again comment of what you think. oh, and vote and if you want, follow me as well.

Sequel to "Field Trip" by Flick Rose (#MLWattyAwards)Where stories live. Discover now