Chapter 11.5

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Ok guys. I feel like an idiot. I totally forgot to write up this scene. And it is one of the most hilarious scenes I was going to have in the story too. So i am very disappointed with my self

So since this is after chapter 11 and before chapter 12. I suggest you look over ch. 11 if you forgot what happened there.

Also... Guess who is done with final exams and her last day of school is on Wednesday.

That's right this girl. *points me thumbs at me*

Anyway here is chapter 11.5


Before Marinette came back to my room I hurried to my bathroom to hide the pictures of Marinette I had/hide in there.




Not that I secretly had pictures in there to practice flirting or talking to her for when the time came.... Or anything.

(Right. And... LOL. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Sorry but the whole time righting this part I couldn't stop laughing. HAHAHAHAHAHA)

I hid them under my sink in a small box with some other picture.... And aren't more pictures of her. *laughs nervously*

(Again. Right.)

When I was done and sure that Marinette or anyone else will find them I hurried back into m room before Marinette came back in.

But what I didn't notice was that Nino and Lila were secretly watching me do this and saw the pictures and who was in them because as soon as I came back they had sly face on. But I didn't really see it since I was right now hurrying back to my spot.

Marinette came back into my room a few seconds later and then went into my bathroom with the things she needs. After a minute the shower starts to run.

I looked at Nino and Lila and see them still smirking. "What?" I asked them.

"You do know why Alya just said that she would use the guest shower that as soon as you asked, right?"Lila said.

"No." I said unsure. "Dude you know I will use the Guest shower once Alya is done, right?" Nino said. "Yea. So."

They looked at each other and face palmed themselves. Nino then looked at me again. "Which means you will be in here while she is showering in YOUR shower, in YOUR room, right?" Ninoe said almost yelling at me.

"Ye-" And then it hit me Marinette is a few feet from me in my shower... Naked. *Almost imagines Marinette naked in the shower* Oh God. WHAT HAVE I DONE TO MYSELF.


By now my face was as bright as a tomatoe. And I think Lila and Nino know I know because she said. "I think he now realizes it." And then they both chuckled.

Five minutes later, Alya came in telling Nino she was done. Nino went to quickly get what he needing in his luggage. Then went to the guest shower.

Lila then got up and asked Alya if she wanted to get a snack from the kitchen. She said yes.

Wait. WHAT! THEY CAN'T LEAVE ME HERE WITH MARINETTE IN THE SHOWER. I tried to stop them but they were already out the door.


Three minutes passed and neither Nino, Alya, or Lila has come back and I just heard the shower off

Marinette's POV:

(A few minutes ago.)

I just about done with my shower when I noticed that I to grab my body soap. I didn't want to bother anyone so I just thought I would just look around Adrien's bathroom for any.

I looked ever were except under the sink. I opened up the doors and looked around and still didn't see anything until i noticed a small box I didn't notice in the way back.

'I wonder why Adrien would put this in the way back.'

I took it out to see if these was any soap in there. I didn't find any soap but I did find.... OMG PICTURES OF ME.

'Bu-but w-why wo-would A-Adrien h-have p-pi-pictures of m-me.'

Before I could think or over think about it anymore I quickly closed the box and put it back where were i found it and tried to forget what I just saw.

I then saw my soap underneath the bathroom counter on the floor. I grabbed it as fast as I could and hurried to finish my shower.

Adrien's POV:

After I heard the shower turn off I went to get my pajamas for my shower. When I heard the door to the shower open I saw something I never thought I would see.

I see Marinette with her down and wearing a pink t-shirt and pajama shorts. And not only that but... I think she's sparkling. I can't help but think she looks beautiful.

I guess I've been staring for a while because Marinette was looking at the direction I was staring at and asked me what I was staring at.

I quickly snapped out of it and said nothing, just thinking. I got up quickly and walked to the bathroom.

On the way I passed Marinette and caught her scent. I smelled like strawberries. 'Man does Marinette smell nice.'

When I got in the bathroom I smelled the same smell on Marinette all over the bathroom.

And then I remembered. 'Marinette was in here. Taking a shower. Naked! Marinette... Naked. No, no. Stop before you-' I thought but it was to late. When I looked down I see a tent forming in my pants.


'Great. Now I'm a pervert.'

I took my shower and took care of my, ugh *coughs to clear throat* little problem as quietly as I could.

ten minutes later I came onu in my pajamas and see everyone in my room. But the girls were getting up. They noticed me and said they were going to bed.

Being the gentlemen I was I walked the girls to my door. which wasn't far. "Good night girls." I gestured to Lila and Alya. They each said good night to me when walked through to door way. When Marinette was going to walk out I said to her, "Good night Marinette", I said nice and sweetly.

"Good night Adrien" she said just as nice and sweetly as I said it, but with a tiny blush and smile.

My heart just couldn't help but flutter like a ladybug.

(Yes a pun. LONG LIVE PUNS. YEA.)

As soon as I saw Marinette safely walk into her and the other girl's room i shut my door. Me and Nino said good night then went to bed ourselves.

And the whole time I slept, I dreamed of Marinette with that cute smile she has. It was a really good sleep.


Yea. Another awesome chapter done. Sorry I didn't do this chapter before. I accidentally forgot to add it. And how could I. You read it. I was hilarious. Also some one wanted me to do the picture thing and I thought. Hey why not.

This chapter was going to be funny so yea I did it. thank you @Trilliummfor the great idea. and I hope You liked it as well.



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