Chapter 8

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Hey guys here is chapter 8 and in this chapter the knight shows up to vanquish the beast that made his princess cry.


(Back to Nino and Alya in the abandoned classroom.)

Alya's Pov:

Wait? What? Is what Nino just told me true? DOES ADRIEN REALLY LIKE MARINETTE?

I snapped out of what ever I was in and looked at Nino. "Are you saying Adrien really DOES like Marinette?"

He then does a chheky smile and nods.

I smile the same way Nino was smiling. "OMG! Does he know that Marinette has the same feelings for him?" That is were he got kind of nervous, or is it embarresed.

"Yeah. I might of told him that." Laughs nervously.

I squealed and scared Nino a little. "This is great. Not that we know they like each other we can get them together. Adrienette will become shipped and real."

(Yup Alya is shipping them just like us. YES!)

Befor we could talk any farther, we heard a scream. And not just any person's screams.

It was Marinette's scream.


We looked at each other and were thinking the same thing. We ran to the cafeteria and wee see and hear Adrien SLAP Chloe across the face.

(That's right. He slapped the bitch. GO ADRIEN GO!)

Adrien's POV:

I can't believe what I just saw.

I saw Chloe grab her coffee and pour it on top of Marinette's Head.

And made her cry. CRY! 

I try to comfort her but she runs away before I could. I called her name but She wasn't listening.

The only thing I thought at the moment while watching Marinette run away crying was, 'She's crying. Marinette's crying. She  made her cry. Chloe made milady, MY princess, MY MARINETTE CRY!' And all Chloe was doing was laugh. 

Oh, she is going to pay. BIG time.

I turned around and started to walk to Chloe. She was saying something but i didn't listen. I only had two things on my mind and it was Marinette's crying face and how anger I am at Chloe.

People started to step back probably knowing what is going to happen.

I raised my right hand and slap Chloe across the face.

It was so quiet that you could hear the sound of my hand making contact with Chloe's face echo.

(Again. GO ADRIEN GO!)

Chloe turned her head to face me and looked angry. But I don't care. "How dare you-" I didn't allow her to finish

"No Chloe. HOW DARE YOU. Marinette has been nothing but kind to everyone, even you. And all you do is-is be a BITCH not only to her but everyone. Even Sabrina who you so call your best friend. And now I can see why people call you heartless." I yelled.


"I am not hear-" I interrupted her again not caring for what she has to say. "YES YOU ARE CHLOE!"

She looked surprised and shocked.

So was everyone else in the cafeteria. But then she got angry again. "Is that how you speak to a frie-?" I once again stopped her.

"DON'T YOU DARE CALL ME  YOUR FRIEND!!" I yelled at her once again.

She looked shocked again. "Bu-but?"

"If you truely were my friend, Ms. Bourgeois. Then you wouldn't do that to another friend of mine. You know what, I'm done. I'm done with you."

"What are you saying Adriki-?" "DON'T CALL ME THAT. I am not or have ever been yours or your Adrikins. So just stop it. Stop thinking your better than everyone else, because you aren't . All you are to me is a class made and a friend i had when I WAS a child. Nothing more. So just stay away from me and Marinette."

I then got closer to her so the next thing i say only she can hear.

"And tell our fathers or anyone who will tell our fathers about this, then forget about seeing my face at school anymore and trying to earn back my trust.

I walk away. "Good-bye Ms. Bourgeios." I said angrily at her.

I leave the cafeteria and went to try to find Marinette and comfort her.


Next chapter is going to have Adrien trying to comfort Marinette. I hope you enjoyed Adrien yelling at Chloe. I know I enjoyed writing about it. 

I might update later today as well. Or when ever I have time.

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