Chapter 7

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"Hey Brody let me ask you something." Jake says. "Sure, whats up?" "Where you jealous of Austin at first when you didn't know that he was Selena's brother?" I totally was and i know that Jake knew that but i didn't want to say. "No of course not." I say. "Hey im gonna see if I can find Selena I really want to talk to her." I think I really do like this girl, I mean I've dated other girls but this ones different she's not so easy. She plays hard to get, well she IS hard to get. I wish I knew why she doesn't like me though. Maybe I'll ask Regan. "Hey regan" "Hey Brody what's up?" "Um can I ask you something, kind of personal." I say in a whisper. "Yeah, of course." "Can you tell me why Selena doesn't like me?" "Ohh is it bothering you that you can't get the girl you want?" She says with a smirk on her face. I'm blushing a little now, I can feel it. "Well yeah kind of but I really want to know what I did to make her hate me." "Well she kinda thinks that your a player. That you go out with girl after girl leaving a trail of broken hearts behind you." I'm surprised that she thinks that just because I'm famous. But it surprisingly doesn't bother me that much, well it does but not as much as I thought it would. "Listen Brody why don't you just talk to her, because I have to get to class." She says then walks away.

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