Chapter 10

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I walked into my house wondering why. Why did i kiss him? Why did i let him kiss me? Do i like him or did i just tell him i did? I don't really know the answers to any of these questions. I go to Austin's door and knock. He opens the door and says "Hey come in" I walk in and sit down on his bed "Whats wrong Selena?" He says sensing that something is wrong. "You know Brody, the guy you met today in school? Well i was just at his house and-" "Wait, you went to his house?" "Yes, anyway we were talking and all of the sudden i kissed him. But i don't know why. I don't even know if i like him." I say ashamed. "Did you kiss him, or did he kiss you?" "Well he was going to kiss me but i said no and he acted all cool about it and the i kissed him." He looks at me in awe. "Wow Selena, isn't that good though? Don't you like him?" I think for a while then say, "Yes i do like him but i guess it just happened weirdly you know?" He nods and then gives me a big hug. "Listen Selena I'm happy for you, i really am but just be careful. Guys can be real jerks. Promise me you'll just protect your heart ok?" I don't like having these kind of talks with Austin because he is a boy i rather have them with Dianne but she's probably out with Nick Gaves, her boyfriend. "I promise Austin. I love you." I say and give him a hug and then walk out of his room and into Mitchell's. "Hey Mitch." I say when i walk in. He's working on homework at his desk. We have a pretty good relationship too but not as strong as Austin and mine. "Hey Selena. Where have you been?" "The mall with Regan." I feel bad for lying to Mitch but i rather not tell him i was with Brady. "Oh uh fun i guess." He doesn't like to go to the mall. I laugh a little then say "What are you working on?" His face its a little red and i know that he must be texting a girl or something. "Oh uh I'm-" "Texting a girl?" I interrupt. "Yeah, i really like her and i think I'm gonna ask her out." "Whats her name?" I ask. "Kim Olson" "How old is she?" "13" "Ohhh a younger woman" I say and his face turns red again. "Yeah yeah. Well goodnight Selena." He says pushing me out of my room. We are almost the same height he's 5'6 and I'm 5'7 he's also stronger than me so he has no issue pushing me out of his room. "Goodnight Mitch, love ya." "Yeah goodnight Selena." I can tell he's annoyed by my comment about Kim, but he's got a good sense of humor so hell get over it. I go to my room and get ready for bed then i check my phone, I have a text from Brody. I open it it says: Hey Selena i had a great night hope that we can hangout again soon;). I text back: Yeah i had fun too see you Monday. Its Friday today so i stay up for a while on my phone and then i get another text from Brody. It reads: Cant wait. Unless you want to hangout tomorrow? I think about it and reply: Yeah that seems fun ill see you at 12 am. Your place? Body: Yep that works for me, cant wait. Selena: Same here. Goodnight. Brody: Night. i shut my phone off and drift to sleep.

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