Chapter 17

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The next day at school wasn't very hard because Brody never showed up and neither did Jake. "Hey Regan where are Brody and Jake?" "Oh, Brody didn't tell you?" I shook my head no. "They are back on tour, they left this morning." I couldn't believe how sad i was at this moment the only thing keeping Brody here was me, wasn't it. I didn't think he would leave so fast, or without saying goodbye. A tear rolled down my cheek and i automatically wiped it away. "Selena, did he not say goodbye to you?" Regan asked. "No. He didn't even tell me he was leaving." "Selena I'm so sorry i would have told you but i just assumed Brody would have." Obviously Regan didn't know that Brody and I broke up. "No he didn't tell me because we broke up yesterday." Regan turned to me with a shocked look on her face. "Oh my gosh Selena I'm so sorry i wasn't there for you." She said giving me a big hug. "Its fine Austin and Mitch were comforting me." She pulled back and looked at me funny. "Mitch?" "Yeah, he even brought me ice cream." We both laughed a little then walked to our last class. On the ride home Regan asked me if i wanted to stop somewhere and get ice cream because she felt guilty that she wasn't the one to give me any yesterday. "Sure, thanks Regan." "Anytime." "So are you and Jake doing the long distance thing?" "Yep, we really didn't want to break up so we decided to give it a try. I really hope it works out." "I hope it works out for you too Regan" "So its okay if you don't wanna talk about this but, why did you and Brody break up?" Regan asked glancing at me. "I don't want to talk about it." I felt all of my emotions from the night before returning and i didn't feel like crying again. Regan parked the car and we went to get ice cream at DQ. After we ate our ice cream. Regan came back to my place. "Hey Selena come here please." Dianne yelled through her closed door. I walked in her room with Regan right behind me. "Hey Selena i herd about what happened I'm really sorry." She gave me a quick hug and then said, "If you need anything let me know." "Thanks." I said and them walked out.

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