Chapter 12

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Im getting ready with Regan for our double date tonight when i think, if we are going out to eat are Brody and Jake going to have lots of girl fans there? He did at school. Regan interrupts my thoughts when she says. "Dang Selena you look so hot! Brody is going to love love love that dress." "Yeah i hope so." I say looking down at my dress. "So Regan did you think about all of the fans that are probably going to be there tonight, like fans of Jake and Brody?" "No i didn't think of that but i guess there will be lots of Brody fans there. I don't know about Jake fans though." When she says this i get a not in my stomach. "Do you think that all of Brody's attention will be on his fans and not on me?" "Not with you looking like that Selena." I have on a coral colored dress with my long brown hair down and curled. "Thanks Reggs." "Yeah no problem. Now we better get downstairs the boys will be here any second." We walk downstairs and stand by the door and wait. A few minutes later a black limo pulls up, Brody and Jake walk out with polo shirts on and khakis. We meet them in the middle of my walkway. "Hey Selena you look gorgeous." Brody says with a big smile on his face. "Thanks you look very handsome." Regan and Jake turn to us and Regan says "Shall we go?" We all walk to limo and get inside. Once we got to Kobe we all sat at a big table. Just about two minutes after we sat down two teenage girls that looked about 15 rushed up to our table. "OMG your Brody Taylor. I love you so much. Omg will you take a pic with us." The blonde one says. "Yeah anything for fans" Brody says and gets up. He hands me the girls phone and says "Hey will you take the pic for us" as he puts his arms around the girls. I glance over at Regan and she gives me a look that says 'you were right'. "Uh sure." I say as i stand up and take one picture. "There you go girls." Says Brody taking the phone from me and giving it to the blonde. "Oh wait will you autograph my shirt please please, PLEASEEEE." the brown haired girl says as she pulls out a black sharpie. "Yeah for sure." Brody signs the shirts and he wrote 'Love you girls xoxo Brody Taylor. Im not really sure why but i don't like the idea of Brody telling random fans that he loves them. He hasn't even told me he loves me yet. I can tell that Regan knows this is bothering me because she says "Hey me and Selena have to run t the restroom. Brb." We walk to the bathroom when we get inside she says, "What in the world is he doing, he literally hasn't said one word to you since we got here except for you to talk the picture." she rolls her eyes and says"Sorry Selena." "Its okay." We wait for 5 minutes then head back to the table, but I'm not happy what i see once we get there. The two fan girls are sitting in Regan and my seats. Brody turns around and says, "Oh hey girls its ok if Gina and Hanna eat with us right? They are huge fans."  I whisper to Regan "Wow they have names I'm surprised ones name isn't Brody and the other ones not Taylor." Regan laughs and then says "Fine, But where do we sit?" Brody says "We told the waitress to get 2 more chairs for you guys." Regan and i walk over and wait for our chairs. The waitress finally brings them and we sit down. Im now farthest away from Brody and he's my boyfriend. "Hey Brody-" i start when I'm interrupted but the fan girl with the blonde hair called Hanna "Brodds here is my number after tonight you should totes call me." She says handing him a slip of paper. I lean closer to Regan and whisper to her, "Cant wait to hear what he says after that." Brody saw me whisper to Regan. He gives me a glance and winks then says, "Yeah for sure, your sweet." The other girl named Gina says, "So Brody, who are these chicks anyway?" I clench my fists when she says this. "Oh thats Regan and the one in the coral dress is Selena." He didn't even introduce me as his girlfriend. Wow. "Yeah Regans my girlfriend" Says Jake. AT this point Brody has done everything wrong and I'm done, "Right about now i wish i was dating Jake too." I say as i throw my napkin on the table and storm out Regan is right behind me. Once we are outside i say, "Sorry i don't really want to date Jake i just-" "I know your upset, i am too. What a jerk!" She says interrupting me. A few seconds later Brody and Jake walk out. "Selena what was that all about? You want to date Jake." Brody says looking more hurt then upset. "No but at least he introduces Regan as his girlfriend to other people, because you don't!" "Selena I'm sorry i just didn't want to loose any fans." "Oh so loosing fans is more important to you than loosing your girlfriend!" "What! Selena I'm loosing you? This is news to me." Brody says looking so hurt i almost feel bad. Almost but not quite. "Guys can we do this somewhere else people are staring." Says Jake that has just been standing there watching us argue. "This conversation is over anyway." I say. "How are you going to leave?" Asks Brody "The limo won't be her for another 2 hours." "I called an uber when we were in the bathroom because i know this would happen." Just as i say this the uber drives up. Me and Regan get in. Before i shout the door Regan says to Jake, "See you later." And blows him kiss. The uber driver pulls away. Regan turns to me and says, "Ive seriously never seen you this mad. Are you ok Sel?"  "You know whats weird? Im not even mad I'm just really hurt." I look down at my phone to see that i have 6 missed calls from Brody. The uber finally pulls up to Regans house and we both get out. I pay the driver and we walk up to her front door. "You wanna stay the night Selena?" "Yeah thanks. I honestly don't know what i would do without you Regan. I mean I'm so upset right now and without you id have to go to Austin about this and that would be pretty awkward." "That would be pretty weird. Im glad i can be here for you." "Me too" I say giving her a big hug.

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