You Hate Me

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Do you really think that they ever loved you? They never have, not a day in your life. All you do is cause trouble for them. That's all you've ever done. You're selfish and they don't care what happens to you. All you've ever done is be a burden to them. After all you've done how could they love you?

"You cannot destroy an entire race!"

Even he doesn't think of you as anything but a nuisance. He even told you that.

"Know your place brother."

And later on you fired back.

"I never wanted the thrown I only ever wanted to be your equal!"

You think that changed anything, he will never think of you as an equal. You have cause too much mischief.

And you just keep going, stealing from everyone. You have done every little thing you could to rebel against them. So they have forgiven you? Why won't you open your eyes? They will never forgive you. They will never except you. They will never let go of what you did. You started a war, maybe not the first one, but you started the one on an inoccent realm. You even did it with something you stole from them.

"Where is the Tesseract?!"

And him, being younger than him just made it easier for him to despise you, to hate you. You're not even his real brother. He hates you. He will never love you, he doesn't care if you live or die. He said he would kill you once.

"You betray me, and I will kill you."

Why won't you open your eyes you fool?! They hate you, he hates you! You'll never be forgiven! He hates you and that will never change! You're nothing but a monster! You're a monster you said so yourself. Listen to all your doubts, listen to yourself thinking the truth. Listen to all the thing going on in you head, after all you're right. You're a monster, you'll never be anything else. You're not a hero, you're not an Avenger. You're not a friend. No matter what they say, you know what you are. You know you are nothing but another stolen relic. You know you never fit in. You knew you were always different. You know these things, you keep them hidden deep down and try to make them go away. But they won't, because they're right.

You're nothing but the monster parents tell there children about at night.

Loki screams and shoots straight up in his bed. He's in a cold sweat, breathing hard. His eyes burn with hot tears. He buries his head in his hands, then runs his fingers through his hair, blindly staring at his blanket. He looks at his left hand, imagining the blue skin of a frost giant, his hand starts to shake. He makes his breath cold with his magic and blows on his hand, making it freezing cold. He watches it turn blue and start to shake more, before he closes his fist, quickly turning his hand back to normal. He starts breathing harder. Shaking his head.

"Monster." He whispers so quietly that it's just loud enough for himself to hear.

His eyes are wide and watering, wanting to blink and let tears fall, but Loki won't let them. Then light from the hallway comes through the door and a silhouette stand in the doorway. Loki stares at the door and watches Thor step in and close the door back.

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