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Loki stands alone in his cell, facing the back wall. The cell was made in a room in the palace. It's small, and Loki can't step one foot into the rest of the room due to the force field. He stands with his hands behind his back staring at nothing. He has been in the cell with for three days, no one has come in, not even once. They had bandaged his arms and back. He looks up.

"Not many people can sneak up on me, I have found that the ones who can are mostly female." Loki says then turns around and smiles at the little girl standing in front of his cell, the one he saved. "Hello love."

"Hi. I brought you your lunch." She says and puts the tray through the little space made for it to fit through.

"Thanks you. What's your name dear?" Loki asks.

"Nimi." The girl says.

"Well, Nimi, how did you manage to be aloud to come to me? A dangerous prisoner?"

"I volunteered, and maybe did a little begging. You did save me and you remind me of my fa-" Nimi stops, and her face falls.

"I remind you of what?" Loki asks cearfully.

"O-of my father." Nimi says quietly.


"Yes, he died the same time as the king and queen. He died a few months before I was born. But he left me books of everything he wanted to teach me, he started writing them when he found out I was coming. That's how I knew about the bombs. I didn't know him but I've heard all the stories of his selflessness and kindness, and you remind me of how I think he would be."

"I'm truly sorry that he died."

"It's not your fault."

"That may not be true, you see I-"

"Was the one who sent the satellite off? I know, but you didn't know about us, no one did. It's not your fault, really." Nimi says, Loki is silent he feels like a huge burden is lifted from his heart when he hears this little girl say that. "I have to go, I have chores."

Nimi turns and walks out of the room. Loki stares at the door after she leaves.

"Thank you Nimi." He says.

Loki has been on Vritra's realm for about a month now. Nimi comes to his cell everyday, brings him his food and talks to him.

"You smile alot for a prisoner." Nimi says. Loki laughs.

"Ehehe, yes, I guess I do." Loki say.


"I smile because of you love, you make my happy. It's nice that this time I at least have someone to talk to."

"You were I prisoner before?"

"Yes, put in a cell by my friends, and then again by my father."

"Oh, that's depressing."

"Ehehe, yes maybe a little, but I know what I did was wrong. Maybe doing this is how I can fix it."

"Can I do anything to make you less bored in here, I would go crazy if I was in that cell."

"Well, it joys me every time you come to visit, but a book on your realms history would be of great interest to me."

"I can bring you one."

"That would be wonderful."

Nimi smiles and leaves the room. She returns moments later with a big book in her arms. She gives it to Loki through the tray slot and then leaves the room to go do her chores. Leaving Loki alone once again. He opens the book and starts reading.

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