Something Has to be Done

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Shouting, screaming, yelling, crashes, clashing metal, loud noises, all the sounds of war. Loki runs, trying to avoid the swords swinging at him. All he sees is the expositions of bombs going off, and people fighting. His friends fighting. He tried to get to them and help them, he really did, but he couldn't he seems to be stuck where he stands. He screams, trying to block out the noise. Falling to his knees he covers his ears.

Everything stops, everything freezes in its place. She appears in front of him. He looks up at her snake eyes. She laughs, laughs as the war resumes and he screams again. Then she seems to use her powers throwing fire at him burning him, adding noise and chaos.

Everyone in the tower is woken by a scream, not one of pain, but one of torture. Everyone knows where it came from. Thor is the first to bust into Loki's room, then Natasha, followed by Tony, Steve, Clint, then Bruce. Loki lies asleep on his bed, cringing in pain, another scream escapes his lips, he shakes violently. Visible burn marks appear on his skin, they all know who is causing them.

"What's happening to him?!" Thor yells.

"Wake him up!" Bruce says.

"Loki! Loki!" Steve says shaking Loki hard trying to wake him up.

"Why won't he wake up?!" Thor yells. "This shouldn't be happening to him!"

"We know Thor, calm down were trying to wake him up." Tony says.

"This shouldn't be happening to him! She's tortured him for too long! It should be me! I'm the older brother! I don't want him suffering!" Thor yells.

"We understand Thor, calm down!" Tony says. "Yelling is making it worse, everyone just be quiet."

"It should be me! I don't want my little brother suffering! It should be me!" Thor yells, Loki screams in his sleep again. Thor snaps. "Make him stop suffering now! Help him! This shouldn't be happening!"

"Thor you're only making it worse!" Tony says.

"This shouldn't be happening to him!" Thor yells.

"Get him out of here." Tony orders. He doesn't want to make Thor leave, but the yelling is making Loki worse. Clint and Bruce each grab one of Thor's arms and drags the fighting teenager out of the room.

Tony turns back to Loki, Natasha is standing over Loki, Tony and Steve are at his side.

"Loki. It's us bud, wake up." Tony says. Loki started to calm now that the yelling has stopped, but he still shakes.

"It's alright Loki, we're your friends, you're safe." Steve says.

"Come on Loki, you're safe it's a dream. Wake up." Natasha says.

Loki's eyes slowly open and he still shakes.

"War." Loki says he has a far away look in his eyes as he stares at nothing.

He still shakes and Natasha takes him in her arms hugging him. Tony and Steve stand up. Tony looks at Steve with an angry look in his eyes.

"Something must be done, now." Tony says, he takes one last look at his terrified black haired friend before storming out of the room to his lab.

"Is he doing this because of me?" Loki asks.

Tony has locked himself in his lab working. He hasn't been sleeping, keeping himself awake with coffee and energy drinks. He hasn't been eating either. For three days he's been doing this.

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