The Only Way

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"I found a way we can get them back to their normal age." Tony says.

"How?" Clint asks.

"Well, she didn't make a cure. But if I can managed to pull this off, we can get in her head and make her change you two back." Tony says.

"Great, how do we do it?" Bruce asks.

"Well," Tony starts, his face drops. "The only way is if Loki is willing to go into Vritra's mind."

"No. No I can't. I can't!" Loki says he sees images of the time Vritra was in his mind, when he saw all his friends deaths. "I can't!"

"Loki you are the only one that could even have a chance in actually being able to do this. This is the olny way we can get you back to normal." Tony says.

"I can't and I won't! Find another way!" Loki snaps.

"I'll try Loki." Tony says.

That night Loki and Thor were messing around playing one of Tony's video games. Loki winning, and Thor yelling that he's cheating.

"You're cheating!" Thor says.

"I am not." Loki argues.

Loki smiles expecting his short tempered brother to yell again, but he doesn't. Loki looks to his side to see Thor grabbing at his arm and seems to be in pain.

"Thor?" Loki asks, and moves Thor's hand away from his arm, a burn mark is there.

Thor says nothing even though he tries. He can't breath it feels like there is a hand around his throat choking him. Loki looks at his brother in horror.

"Bruce!" Loki screams at the top of him lungs. "Someone help! Help!"

Bruce run into the room followed by everyone else. He move Loki away and kneels beside Thor.

"Go get my bag!" Bruce yells and Clint runs to get Bruce's doctor bag.

When Clint comes back, Bruce manages to get Thor to breathe again. And he starts to doctor the burn on his arm. Loki stares at his brother.

"I'll do it." Loki says.

"What?" Tony asks.

"I'll do what you said before. I'll do it, for Thor." Loki says, his eyes never leaving his older brother.

Loki watches Tony as he make a few finally preparations to the machine that will alow Loki to enter Vritra's mind. Loki says nothing as he watches Tony work. It took two days after Loki had agreed to do it to get everything ready. His burns have heald, as did Thor's. Everyone is nervous for Loki, so they all came into Tony's lab with last few 'good lucks' before Loki enters Vritra's mind.

"You don't have to do this Loki." Thor says placing a hand on his brothers shoulder.

"Yes I do Thor." Loki says, looking back at his brother.

"Well, it's ready." Tony says.

The machine is a chair that lays back, like a chair at the dentist, only this one has a headband thing that will go around Loki's head. Loki walks over and sits down in it, when he does it leans back on its own and the headband places itself around Loki's forehead. Tony starts putting straps around Loki's arms and legs.

"Are these really nessary?" Loki asks.

"Yeah, we don't know what's going to happen, and if you move we don't want you hurting yourself." Tony says as he finishes with the straps. "OK, you're going to fall asleep, then you should be in her mind."

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