Not Everything is Stupid

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Everyone is in the kitchen eating when Loki walks in.

"Well good morning." Tony says sarcastically as Loki plops down in his car by Thor.

"Morning is stupid." Loki says.

"Whatever just eat." Tony says and slides a bowl of cereal towards Loki.

"Eating is stupid." Loki says.

"Just eat." Tony says.

"You're stupid." Loki says.

"Just eat will ya!" Tony says.

"Being yelled at is stupid" Loki says. "And I'm not hungry. Give it to Thor, he's always eating like a bilsnipe."

"I am not!" Thor protest.

"You are too!" Loki yells.

"Take it back!"

"You're not the boss of me!"

Thor and Loki lunge at each other, both knocking the other onto the floor. Now they fight, each trying to get the upper hand.

"Alright you've had your fun that's enough." Steve says, they don't listen. "Boys, I said that's enough."

They still don't listen.

"Don't make me say it again." Steve says, giving then one last warning, they still fight. "That's enough!"

Thor and Loki freeze, stand up, and dust themselves off. They glance at Steve, then back at the ground.

"We're sorry." They say in unison.

"Just sit down and eat." Steve says.

"Yes sir."

Thor and Loki retake their seats. Loki starts playing around in his cereal.

"Getting in trouble is stupid." Loki says under his breath.

"What was that?" Tony asks.

"Repeating myself is stupid." Loki says.

"Loki." Steve says, Loki glances at him. "Enough."

Loki looks back down at his cereal and stays quiet.

"Why do they only listen to you and Natasha?" Tony asks Steve.

"Because listening to you is stupid." Loki says.

"Not everything is stupid Loki!" Tony yells.

"You're stupid, and since you and your big ego think you're everything then-" Loki starts.

"Don't even finish that sentence." Tony warns.

"Oh, did I make the poor metal man mad?" Loki asks.

"First off, the suit primarily a gold titanium alloy, if you're going to try and make fun of me do it right." Tony says. "Second, would you like me to show you how mad I am?"

"Just try me and you'll cool off real quick." Loki says and freezes the spoon in his hand with his magic.

"Alright, as much I would enjoy watching Tony try to fight a teenage Loki, we're friends now remember." Natasha says. "Loki, stop messing with Tony. And Tony, you're an adult act like one."

"She told you." Loki says to Tony.

"Shut up kid." Tony says.

Loki smiles at his finished prank.

"Thor's gonna be so mad." Loki says to himself, then thinks for a second dropping his smile a little. "Well, hopefully not mad enough to kill me."

Loki stands up, looks one last time at his prank, and walks out of Thor's room. He smiles to himself as he quickly walks down the hallway. Then runs into something. Loki falls to the ground then looks up to see what he hit.

"Thor!" Loki says quickly covers his surprise. "Oh, sorry. I wasn't looking where I was going."

"That's fine Loki." Thor says as he reaches his hand down to help Loki up. Loki takes his hand and Thor pulls Loki to his feet.

"Well bye." Loki says and starts walking the other way.

Tony is walking in the living room when he hears someone running. He turns and see that it's Loki. Tony reaches out and grabs Loki's wrist before he can pass. Loki tries to pull away and looks behind him, before he stops struggling and looks at Tony.

"What are you running from?" Tony asks.



"I pranked him and he will be furious with me."

"I thought you didn't care if he was mad at you, you always say he's not the boss of you."

"Well, yeah, but he's still my older brother and he is bigger than me. And he could crush me with one hand behind his back. Please. Let. Me. Go."

"What did you do?"

"I flipped every piece of furniture in his room upside down and put it om the ceiling then used my magic to make it stay." Loki says fast.


"Please!" Loki says and starts trying to pull away from Tony again. Tony let's go.

"Run kid run." Tony says as Loki takes off. Not a second later and Thor runs by, carrying Mjolnir.

Loki runs throw the tower, Thor not far behind. Loki runs into the garage and stands behind one of Tony's cars.

"Loki! I will kill you!" Thor yells as he runs into the garage.

"Come on brother, i-it was just a prank. Funny right?" Loki says, smiling nervously.

"Do I look to be laughing?" Thor asks.

"No, but you will. Because I'm your brother, your little brother, you can't be mad at me." Loki says, trying to use the little brother card.

"Oh let us see if I cannot be mad at my little brother that I could crush with my hammer." Thor says before lunging at Loki.

Everyone is in the living room. Steve turned on the News despite Tony's complains about how boring it is. Beside the TV, everything is silent. Everyone jumps when they all hear a crashing sound and the faint sound of a car alarm.

"You guys heard it too right?" Clint asks. Before anyone can say anything Loki and Thor walk into the living room.

"Um, we uh." Thor starts. "I was chasing Loki and I swung my hammer and it was a magical double-"

"Are you ever not going to fall for that?" Loki asks.

"Shut up Loki." Thor says then continues. "Well I-I hit one of your cars."

"Demolished it." Loki says just loud enough for everyone to hear then coughs after.

"Shut. Up. Loki." Thor says through clinched teeth.

"Wait hold up. Which car?" Tony asks.

"The silver one. The license plate says Stark 4." Thor says.

"What?! No!" Tony yells then starts running towards the garage.

"Sorry." Thor calls after him.

"That turned out well." Loki says sarcastically.

"Not for you." Thor says. "Go fix my room!"

"Oh you're not still mad about that are you?"

"I'm going to pound your head in, go fix my room!"

"Alright alright you big oaf calm down." Loki says then the both walk off.

"Does anyone know what they were talking about?" Clint asks.


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