Silver Tounge

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"Silver tounge! His danged silver tounge!" Thor yells.

Tony has been replaying what Loki had said for the past three months, trying to figure out what it means. Thor has been there too, but he's not much help since he just keep ranting.

"She's probably torturing him every day. I cannot believe he did this." Thor says finally sitting down.

"I can't figure out what this stupid thing means!" Tony says.

"Three months, one week, five days, thirty minutes." Thor and Tony spin a round to see Natasha standing in the doorway. Steve, Clint, and Bruce walk up behind her.


"That's what it means. 'The third full moon with rise and fall." A full moon happens about once a month. Three months." Natasha says.

"'Seven times will go by.' Seven times, seven days, one week." Steve says.

"'Subtract the two from far away.' Thor and Loki are from Asgard, that leaves five of us, five days." Bruce says.

"'The arrow spins halfway.' The arrow on a clock, halfway, half an hour, thirty minutes." Clint says.

"That's when he wants us to come. That's exactly how long Vritra was in S.H.I.E.L.D headquarters. And 'don't seek vengeance, seek an old enemy and new ally.' He wants us to come peacefully. He also says 'new friends' refering to us, so he is the old enemy and Vritra would be the new ally." Natasha says.

"Why didn't you tell us this sooner?!" Tony asks.

"Because you two had to stay busy somehow, we still have to wait four more days." Steve says.

"We do not need to wait! My brother is being held prisoner! We need to go now!" Thor says.

"Calm down Thor. Don't you think Loki made us wait for a reason?" Clint asks.

"Yeah, your brother has always been psychotic, but he's a psychotic genius." Bruce says.


Loki turns just in time to see Nimi. She jumps and he catches her midair, almost dropping his book as he holds her with one hand. Loki smiles at the little girls excitement.

"Guest what guess what guess what!" Nimi says.

"Ehe, what?" Loki asks.

"I can do that thing, that thing you showed me last week. I can do that thing really good now!" Nimi says.

"Show me." Loki says as he sets her down.

Nimi starts to concentrate on her magic, she closes her eyes. She holds her hand out and starts to make little shapes in the air with her magic. She opens her eyes and smiles big when she sees that it's working, she looks up at Loki and bounces up and down with excitement. Loki smiles down at her and gives her an approving nod. Nimi smiles bigger then sneezes, shooting purple fire out of her hands at a table in the hallway, causing it to break with a loud crash.

"What was that?" Nimi's mother calls from the other end of the hallway.

"My fault!" Loki calls back. Then leans down to Nimi. "Go off and play, I'll clean this up."

"Are you sure?" Nimi asks.

"Of corse I am, go have fun. And don't worry about your chores today, I'll take care of it." Loki says, then walks over and starts to pick up the burnt wood.

Loki finishes picking up the last piece of burnt wood when Vritra walks up.

"What happened?" She asks.

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