Meeting of Monsters

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'That new guy is such a strange creature. He smelled like a werewolf when he first arrived, and he's got enough hair to be one, but he doesn't behave like a werewolf. In fact, he acts like he's human...'

Jean is thinking to herself early in the morning, just leaving Michael's room that just happened to be her old room. She smirks to herself as she remembers the image of Michael's rippled abs and defined chest, then frowns as she remembers seeing the big scar running from the bottom of his neck to almost his naval, not to mention the numerous scars on his back; it looked like he was beaten or even tortured on a regular basis. Jean doesn't know why she showed such concern for him; he is human after all. Then she remembers how his blood tasted; he is human, but not completely human. Catching Nikolai in the shower room trying to get to Michael made that obvious, but Jean still couldn't figure out what he wants with him.

Jean makes it to Herbert Hall, the oldest hall on Northside University's campus; it's also the hall least used anymore, but it does not come without the latest security measures. Jean enters her code to enter and the door unlocks for her. She enters the building, making sure the door shuts behind her, preventing any nosy students from entering. She makes her way upstairs, walking down the long hallway to the conference room with the big window, allowing anybody to see the campus. It's a one way mirror so anybody trying to look in would just see their reflection.

"Welcome, Jean! You're just in time to join us for our first meeting of the semester."

Jean nods to her greeter, Dr. Langing, before taking her seat at the conference table. Dr. Langing is the headmaster of Northside University, and a very powerful warlock. Beside him is Mrs. Thorn, one of the chemistry professors, and also a witch. The table consists of two staff members and ten older students: two witches, two warlocks, two vampires, two werewolves, and two skinwalkers. The werewolves and skinwalkers are always the farthest away from each other, and each group has the male on the right side of the table, and the females on the left side, removing the suspicion of conspiracy against the other races. Jean sits in the middle of the females' side, while her captain, Luther, sits opposite of her in the middle of the male side. The two witches sit on both sides of Jean as the two warlocks sit on both sides of Luther.

"As I see all parties are present, I call this meeting into session!"

Dr. Langing sits down as he pulls up a sheet of paper, making it multiply as he passes it around to each member.

"As we know from last year, this meeting is to discuss the events from the previous year, any issues that may have come up during the break, and finally, any forseeable problems any might have observed already."

Nikolai was the first to speak.

"I have already observed a problem-"

Dr. Langing raised his hand to silence the hasty werewolf.

"In due, time, Nikolai. But first we must follow protocol."


Silence falls on the group as Nikolai displays obvious frustration, breathing heavily with rage. Mrs. Thorn looks at him over her glasses before speaking.

"It is a rarity that a mistake like that is made, and even if such an incident has occurred, it is the responsibility of the one in charge of the hall to report it when it is time to report. Now seeing as you have disregarded the meeting schedule, your impatience has made you look like a fool."

Nikolai clenches his fists and jaw as he sits, fuming. Mrs. Thorn looks at Jean next, signing to her to speak. Jean nodded before speaking.

"I will address that matter when it becomes revelent to our agenda. Now the events last year were negligent, almost nonexistent, we had a couple new vampires arrive, but they were quickly assimilated into the group, or cast out altogether. We had one go rogue during the summer and attempted to make our presence here public knowledge, but my captain was able to silence him permanently before that became possible."

All parties nods in agreement with the events. A warlock, Lucas, stands as he's about to speak.

"I'm sure everybody is aware that during the summer, a destructive warlock came onto campus. Although no one was seriously hurt, the warlock did cause some damage to the older halls. Luckily, we were able to capture him, sent him to our hierarchy, and repair all damages before anybody could witness it."

Again, the parties nod in agreement as Lucas takes his seat. The two represtatives for the skinwalkers have nothing to report, so they wave the meeting on to Nikolai, who is just anxious for his turn. Before he can speak, the female werewolf, Sarah, stands to speak. Nikolai is the alpha for all werewolves on campus and the surrounding area, but Sarah is also an alpha, and Nikolai's mate, making her Luna of their pack.

"During this summer, our beta Samuel found his mate and is already expecting their first child, so we are going to need to find a replacement for the time being so he can better attend to his family."

Dr. Langing nodded his head before speaking.

"Understood, in the meantime, I assume Nikolai will be taking over his shifts?"

Nikolai only grunts in confirmation.

"Good, now the floor opens for any concerns any of us have. Jean, do you have any?"

Jean nods before standing.

"I have a concern about a werewolf entering my hall this morning-"


All eyes turn to the fuming Nikolai, taking an agressive stance.


Nikolai is cut off as Luther grabs him by the throat and pins him against the wall, slamming his head.

"You will wait your turn, dog. You will not inturrupt the princess again, understand?"

Jean waves her hand before resuming to speak.

"You may release him, Captain. As I was saying, Nikolai entered my domain this morning under the false assumption that a werewolf is rooming in my hall; I investigated the issue myself and found the subject in question. He had a werewolf smell when he first got here, but he is indeed a human, and I will not find Nikolai at fault for breaking our rules."

Luther releases Nikolai as Jean spoke and both return to their seats, Nikolai glares at Luther as Jean continues.

"There is the issue of property damage, as Nikolai scratched up one of the men's shower room doors. So far, there is only one witness, but I doubt he will be an issue."

Dr. Langing nods before muttering something to Mrs. Thorn, who calls maintenance.

"What makes you sure of that, Jean?"

Jean continues speaking as Luther glares back at Nikolai.

"The sole witness is the subject in question, Michael Masters. He's a human, I checked; he had a werewolf smell on him, but he's not one himself."

Dr. Langing raises an eyebrow as Mrs. Thorn hangs up and speaks to the group for the first time.

"And you know this how, Jean?"

"I sampled some of his blood."

A/N: Told you they were coming, and more. Uh-oh... what's going on here? Who's exactly in charge here and what's going on? How is Jean gonna explain herself? What is gonna happen to Michael? We'll see in the next chapter. Big thank you to my wife who just read this story and is being very supportive and enjoying my writing. WattVampires here are some of those memorable vampires you are looking for and more.

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