Animal Attack

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Seven years ago...

"It was Greg and his 'friends' again, wasn't it?"

I only nod as the school nurse tapes bandages on my back, covering the fresh bloody scratches I acquired during lunch/recess. The bullies stole paper clips from the teacher's desk and unbent them, giving them a makeshift weapon, and I was their guinea pig.

"This looks just as bad as the thumb tack incident."

The school nurse is referring to the last time I was in here; Greg and his buddies took a few thumb tacks off the teacher's corkboard, found me during recess and in the hallways, and jab me with them whenever they got the chance. I was covered in puncture marks; the school nurse reported it and the thumb tacks were taken away, but no one was punished. My parents explained the marks away as bug bites.

"Michael, why don't you tell your parents?"

"They won't do anything."

I shake my head as I feel the nurse cover the last of my cuts.

"How do you know that?"

"Cuz they haven't done anything. I've told them everything everyday since kindergarten."

The school nurse falls silent as the news of my parents lack of reaction stuns her. She gently taps me on the shoulder to let me know she's done; I pull down my shirt and nod at her in thanks.

"You know I've reported those boys many times, but nothing happens."

She leans closer to me, making sure no one hears her.

"But if you ever send one of them into here, I won't report you. They deserve it."

Again, I silently nod at her before turning to leave the nurse's office. The loud white noise of school activity drowns my ears. I scan the area before I step into the traffic of students and staff, praying that whatever God's that do exist to get me through whatever they are putting me through. I manage to just make it to my locker before I am pushed into it by someone behind me.

"Tell the school nurse on me again, Michael?"

I curse to myself as I turn and see Greg just grinning, like a big tough guy. He's eleven years old, just like me, but he had a good fifty pounds on me easily. I am shoved into my locker again as he laughs, others join him in laughing.

"Swing at him."

I look around to see where the voice is coming from but cannot find the source.

"Duck, you loser!"

Without asking why, I duck. Greg swings at me but misses; now some of the watchers laugh at him.

'Who's helping me?'

"I am. You asked for help to get through this, so here I am."

The voice is in my head. Christ, like I didn't think I had enough issues, now I'm going crazy.

"You're not going crazy, not yet. Just think of me as... your fighting instinct. Now duck again, but this time dive forward."

I do what the voice says as Greg swings again, harder, but again misses and runs into the lockers as I dive forward. More laughter is heard, and it infuriates him.

"There, the carotid artery in his neck is exposed. Severe it and he'll be neutralized in seconds.

'You mean kill him? I can't do that, I'm at school, and only eleven!'

"Move, loser."

I dive to the side as I notice Greg trying to tackle me; I stumble to keep my footing as his huge body grazes by me.

"If you're not gonna do it, I will."

Suddenly, my hand flies out against my will, my nails extending into claws. I am going for Greg's neck, and he isn't even recovered from his failed tackle to realize how close to death he is.


In extreme slow motion, yet happening in the blink of an eye, I manage to regain enough control to clench my fist, punching Greg in the side of his neck, instead of clawing his veins out. His eyes grow as big as saucers as his hands fly to his throat, falling to his knees, coughing and gagging. The crowd goes silent with the exception with a few gasps of shock. I feel all eyes on me, like a million knives hovering over my back, ready to plunge and pierce my skin.

"You are such a child. If you want to survive in the real world, you're gonna hafta grow the fuck up. That includes killing; one day, you won't have a choice."

'Shut the fuck up, I could've gotten into big trouble killing him! I'm still in big trouble for hurting him. Who the fuck do you think you are?!'

I look up and scan the crowd, half expecting and half hoping the voice in my head would be connected to a body I can see, an image I can hate.

"Go into the bathroom."

I huff at the voice and make my way into the bathroom, making sure the door closes behind me.

"Look into the mirror."

I fail to hold back a gasp after I raise my head to look into the mirror. In the reflection I see myself, dark brown hair, thin body, baggy clothes, but my eyes are not the usual brown I see every time before. Now they are pitch black, similar to a shark's eyes.

"The name is Crimson, I'm your wolf."

Wolf? Mine? None of this makes any sense. My mind is suddenly flooded with images of wolves fighting, tearing each other apart. Images so vivid I swear they are happening right in front of me.

"You're a werewolf, Michael. And a powerful one at that. You aren't even supposed to be able to talk to me until you are sixteen, but the Moon Goddess saw you struggling and heard your cry for help, so here I am. You now have to power to make your enemies cower, you will even find a mate one day, but until then, you will fight, and you will kill any who oppose you."

I shut my eyes and shake my head violently, attempting to get rid of the voice and images somehow. More images of blood and bodies flood my mind.

'No! I want to be normal, not a monster!'

"Monster is a relative term, loser. To a canary, a cat is a monster."

More and more violent images flood my brain, I am horrified on how graphic they are. Where are they coming from? How do I stop it? I don't want any part of it, I just want it all to go away. I crouch as I start hitting my head with my hands.

"Shut up and go away!"

Silence, and better yet, no more images. I'm only allowed the enjoy the silence for a few seconds before a school staff member came in.

"Principal wants to see you, Michael."

I nod and slowly make my way to the door. I stop to look at the mirror once more and see my eyes have returned to their normal brown color. I let out a sigh of relief before I start dreading what the principal is going to do.

"You can't be rid of me forever. I'll see you when you're older, loser."

Before I can say anything, I feel his presence leave. Funny, I didn't feel him arrive, but I sure feel him leave. Again I'm on my own, and then something hits me that Crimson said.

'Who is the Moon Goddess?'

A/N: Before you say anything, the summary of the story explains who Michael's parents are. I know what the title of the story is called, don't worry it will all be explained. Now you can see what kind of history he has, but now let's see what's going on with everybody else. I'm thinking of giving the next chapter to Gabriel, or maybe the next one after. We will see.

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