The Beast Awakens

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I feel a throbbing pain in my neck, waking me from unconsciousness. I massage my neck as I sit up, trying to get my bearing. Somehow, I managed to get into my bed without me remembering it. I look to the floor and see a tray of food and a note.

"Wakey, Wakey, loser."

My blood runs cold as I hear the familiar voice.

'I hoped I would never hear from you again, Crimson.'

"I told you, you can't be rid of me forever, but nice try with the Wolfsbane attempt a couple years ago."

I let out a small growl as "my wolf", Crimson, chuckles. When I was sixteen, I had done extensive research on my own about werewolves and other supernatural creatures. I found some that speculated that the plant Wolfsbane could be used to kill werewolves, or ingested by a werewolf to kill the wolf part of them. I was desperate to rid myself of him so I tried it. All it did was give me a one way pass to the hospital and put on supposed "suicide watch" for a week.

'Go to Hell, asshole.'

"Been there, rather charming place. If you're into that whole fire and brimstone kind of thing. Let's see what that vampire princess wrote."

I kick off my sheets and rest my feet on the cold floor, the prickly feeling of them waking up courses through them as I wiggle my toes. How long have I been out?

'And how do you it's from her? And how the hell do you know about her?"

"Just because I'm not calling you 'loser' every five seconds doesn't mean I'm not here watching what's going on. Plus, her smell is all over that tray and note."

I forgot my heightened senses are thanks to him, and he can use them himself. I finally get up and pick up the tray of food. It's still warm, meaning someone left it here very recently. I turn around and noticed for the first time all of my roommates things are gone. As I sit down and begin eating, I read the note.


I hope you live to read this; I took more than I should have, so I apologize in advance for that. Unfortunately by doing what I did, I dragged you into my world and put you in great danger. Come find me to become one of the Awakened, your life depends on it.

-Princess Jean Morson

P.S. For your protection, I left something for you in your closet. Keep him safe and hidden.

I slowly drop the note as I stop eating and look to my closet. Him? What the hell did she put in there? And what are the Awakened? I cautiously stand and make my way to the closet; it's only three feet away, but it feels like forever to get there.

"Whatever it is, it's not alive."

I roll my eyes as my hand touches the closet ice cold handle. Whatever she put in there, she did so awhile ago. I open the closet and see nothing amiss. Maybe she was pulling my leg.

"Top shelf, behind your boxes. Her smell is all over there."

I didn't think she could reach up there, but I check anyway. I move the empty boxes, letting them make hollow clattering noises on the floor until I find rolled up cloth. It's extremely fine and soft, must be silk. It's mostly black with red indistinguishable designs and tied off at one end with soft red rope. Attached at the end of the rope is yet another note. I easily recognize the fine cursive handwriting to be the Princess's.

His name is Kamui, Japanese for-

"The Authority of God on Earth..."

I can hear Crimson growl as I loosen the rope and gently pull the fine fabric off what's inside. To my surpirse, I find a samurai sword! I look at the note again to read the rest of it.

The sheath is made from fine Ebony, the handle is hardened Ivory wrapped with fine rope. The blade itself is silver reinforced with a titanium alloy. May he protect you as well as he served me.

-Princess Jean Morson

"Get rid of it..."


I hear Crimson growl as I take hold of the hilt and unsheath the sword, it's blade shines in the sunlight coming in from the window.

"It's a werewolf killer. It is soaked with the blood of our kind."

'Your kind, not mine. I told you already, I don't want any part of this.'

I returned Kamui to his scabbard and tucked him back in his satin carrier.

"Like it or not, you are part of it; now more than before. Now get rid of it."


With that, I block Crimson. I may not want any part of what's going on, but that doesn't mean I didn't learn a few tricks. I return the sword to his hiding spot and lock my door as I leave, searching for the princess; she's the only one that can give me answers now. I'm about to leave the Hall when I realize I left my ID in my room. I return to my dorm and open my door with my key, revealing no one other than the princess standing in my room, smiling.

"Ready to be Awakened?"

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