Enter The Zeta

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"Remember, you are dispatched there to observe and report, not to engage."


Without another word, Gabriel hangs up his cell phone by pressing the button on his ear piece. Another day, another recon; such is the life for 20 year old Gabriel Hansen. He is born of two powerful Alpha werewolves, but his mother died in a vampire attack when he was a baby. Before he could walk, his father drilled combat tactics and strategies into his memory, training day and night. When he was twelve, his father enrolled him with the human's ROTC program. He learned to fight, shoot, and survive in ways his father could only beat into him. ROTC got him away from his father problems.

Gabriel's father blames him for the death of his mother. He believes Gabriel's mother's focus was on her newborn Gabriel more than the fight, and that's what got her killed. Since that attack, Gabriel was taught to hate vampires and to kill on sight, taught by everybody except his father. When he joined ROTC, the Army saw he had a knack for recon and stealth; he soared through the ranks, becoming a master chief sergeant at the age of sixteen. The Delta Rangers saw his tactical skills were unprecedented and gave him the rank of captain as well as command of his own team, appropriately named "Wolf Pack." For four years, he led his team through hell holes God had forgotten about, but now he was back stateside to join a new pack, Blood Moon.

Gabriel is pulled out of his memories as his target exits the building. A rather unassuming human, dressed in dark clothes and armed only with a backpack, Gabriel has a hard time seeing what's so special about this Michael character. His training kicks in when he sees another person leave the building, a woman this time. Gabriel immediately recognizes her from the several dossiers he received pertaining to the other supernaturals in the area, Princess Jean Morson. An annoyed sigh escapes Gabriel's lips as he observes the Alpha King's son, Nikolai, come out from behind the building and grab the princess. Gabriel is hoping this mission doesn't turn into another babysitting job. He is about to get down from his vantage point when something catches Gabriel's eye; The human is coming back and is confronting Nikolai.

"Hmph. You're either incredibly brave, or incredibly stupid, human."

A loud bang is heard behind Gabriel and he spins around, unholstering his go-to sidearm, a Colt 1911 modified with a laser attachment. It's only an old car backfiring, but Gabriel's mind is instantly filled with memories of war. The gunfights, the yelling, screaming, explosions, blood, crying, body parts, fire, whining of metal being bent, sounds of flesh tearing. He feels phantom blood and sweat streaming down from his nonexistent helmet, cold sweat trapped against his body because of his Kevlar. The moaning cries of injured soldiers, dying. Gabriel is pulled out of his Post-Tramatic Stress attack by a faint ringing coming from his earpiece. He presses the button on his ear.


"Gabriel, it's Dr. Roberts."

Gabriel takes a deep breath, it's the psychologist assigned to him by the Army. They were concerned about such a young soldier seeing so much, so they had him see doctors regularly every time he came stateside. Usually, they give up after the first visit, but this Dr. Roberts is a very persistent woman. He holsters his Colt.

"How's it going, Doc?"

"You just had another attack, didn't you? Your speech is ragged."

"No, I just got done with an intense jog."

Gabriel hates when the brain doctor can tell what's going on just by his voice.

"Gabe, your speech is ragged, not strained. You and I both know the difference."

"So you're gonna psychoanalyze me over the phone now?"

Gabriel doesn't like being called Gabe most of the time, but for some reason, when Dr. Roberts says it, it doesn't bother him as much.

"If you would ever come in for your appointments, I wouldn't have to do anything over the phone."

"You know I work a lot, don't have much time off for personal shit."

Gabriel looks around, trying to re-acquire his target as Dr. Roberts continues to speak.

"A soldier as young as yourself is extremely susceptible to posttraumatic stress disorder, you need to be evaluated before any permanent and serious psychological harm is done."

Gabriel doesn't want to hear it so he hangs up, now catching sight of Michael, he is walking with that princess and another human towards the cafeteria. He starts to make his away off the roof of the technology building of the campus when his earpiece starts beeping again. He presses the button as he opens the stairway door.

"Gabe, just name a place and time; I want to help you, so I'm willing to go where ever you need me to."

Dammit, it's Dr. Roberts again. She's very persistent. Gabriel makes his way down the stairs as he considers the doctor's proposal.


"Northside University, football practice field. 1900 hours tomorrow."

Gabriel exits the technology building and makes his way towards the cafeteria. The smell of food cooking fills his nose. Combined with the smell of nature, and the heat and brightness of the sun, Gabriel deduced it was about one in the afternoon.

"I'll finally see you then, Gabriel Hansen."

"Until then, Dr. Roberts."

Gabriel presses the button on his earpiece as he enters the cafeteria. He scans the crowd of students and finds Michael with relative ease, pushing past students into the "Den". The irony is not lost on Gabriel as he sees a wolf mascot walk by; he can see why the Alpha King wanted his son to attend here. Nikolai's rashness and hotheadedness will be easy to explain away at this place. He freezes as he sees Michael finishing off two bowls of food while the princess and the human stare at him in shock, awe, and disgust as they haven't even got halfway done with their first plate. Gabriel couldn't help but smirk to himself.

"Well, he certainly has the appetite of a pup... This will be interesting..."

A/N: So what do you think? It's my first time writing for a werewolf and I thought it would be a good time to introduce wen another character. I am tagging WattyWolves because of the new character and thought it would only be fair to let them in. So WattWerewolves, let me know what you think of Gabriel Hansen, The Zeta: a 20 year old Delta Ranger Vet suffering from PTSD. On that note, if you or someone you know is suffering from PTSD, please talk to someone. And it doesn't have to be military related, it's more common than you think. Just reach out and talk to someone about it, it helps. I'm not saying it makes it go away, but it helps. Thanks.

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