Classes with Creatures

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Jean is walking out of Herbert Hall, making to way to the Jefferson Fine Arts Center for class, Luther hot on her heels. She can sense his displeasure on the news that she sampled that Michael's blood. She rolls her eyes as her captain continues to lecture her like a father would a child.

"Why did you not tell me you sampled the human's blood? Do you realize what you have done?"

"Yes, Luther, I do. I traded one problem for another. At least with this one, I don't have to consult the others about what will be done."

Luther grabs Jean's arm and turns her towards him. Being a princess, Jean doesn't have a lot of experience with being aggressively handled, but that doesn't stop her from allowing her captain to grab her. Their eyes lock for a moment and Jean can see the rage inside Luther, as much as he tries to hide it. Jean and Luther were a thing in the past. That ended when he lost his temper one too many times, and almost killed Jean. Even though Luther should've been killed, Jean decided to show mercy; Luther has been the captain of her Guards and trying to make it up to her ever since.

Without another word, Luther releases Jean's arm and the pair continue on their way to class. Once they were there, they take their usual seats in the back, allowing them to observe the rest of the class. Jean does her best not to look too happy as Michael enters the room. She notices he looks tired, as he is hunched over with a backpack full of books on his back and a dark hooded sweatshirt with the hood up, slowly making his way to the front of the classroom. Jean tries to get his attention without Luther noticing, but it was useless; nothing seems to faze Michael. Class begins as the instructor enters, but Jean is too focused on Michael to pay attention; she knows Luther is taking notes for her anyway.

She watches as Michael takes out his laptop from his bag and opens it. He opens two windows, one to take notes, and another to surf the internet. She smirks to herself as she notices Michael is smart enough to keep his Internet window small enough to not attract attention, yet big enough to not have to scroll after every two words. Jean curses to herself as Michael shifts his body, blocking her view of his screen. A few moments pass and her phone vibrates as she gets a notification from social media. She flips her phone open and reads the message.

"You know, it's very rude to spy on people, 'Princess Jean'."

Jean snaps her head up and looks toward Michael as he slowly turns his head to her as he pulls down his hood.


The classroom goes silent as all heads turn to look at Jean; Luther glares at Michael and looks at Jean; Michael pulls his hood back up as he turns back around. The other students turn back around as the teacher resumes his lecture.

"That's him, isn't it?"

Jean silently nods as she replies to Michael's message.

"How'd you find me? and how did you know of my title?"

Shortly after she sends the message, she sees Michael typing away on his laptop, then the vibrating of her phone.

"Kinda hard not to notice when your guard dog there keeps calling you 'princess' every other sentence."

As much as it amuses her that this Michael is smart enough to find her on social media, as well as the joke about Luther, she is annoyed about how it seems Michael thinks to know her.

"Maybe he's my boyfriend and that's his nickname for me."

Before Jean can put away her phone, it vibrates again.

"Not when he has a straining tone like he's being forced to say it. My guess is that he is an ex, trying to make up for whatever he did to fuck things up with you."

Jean frowns as she reads the message over and over; she remembers why she broke it off with Luther: he was going around with another member of Jean's Guard detail, and one of her friends. She quickly wipes her face of nonexistent tears before looking at Michael. Michael closes his laptop and gets up to leave class as the instructor continues to lecture. Filled with the sudden urge to follow him, Jean stands up and immediately follows Michael out, leaving Luther behind as he gathers up the princess's and his own things. Jean hurried after Michael as she sees him exit the building; she is blinded by the bright light of the sun, making her shield her eyes for a moment.

"Why are you following my pup?!"

Jean feels a rough hand grab her smooth neck, her vision adjusts to the light and sees Nikolai holding her neck, anger burning in his eyes.

"Finally got you alone, no captain to help you now."

Jean curses herself for being so blind to her senses, she feels Nikolai tighten his grip on her neck.

"Hey asshole! Let her go."

Jean and Nikolai both turn their heads to see Michael walking towards them. Jean has no idea why she feels relieved at the sight of Michael coming to her rescue; he's a human, Nikolai could tear him apart. She could see Nikolai's eyes widen as they both hear an inhuman growl escape from Michael, sounding like a territorial growl Jean has heard from werewolves before. Maybe she was wrong about Michael and he is a werewolf himself. Michael closes in and what Jean and Nikolai see next scares Nikolai enough to let go: Michael's eyes become blood red, the classic trait of vampire! What the hell is this Michael?

"Hey Jean! You want to get a bite at the cafeteria?"

The three of them turn their attention to a man running up from behind Jean and Nikolai. The man is thin, almost lanky, had shoulder length blonde hair and blue eyes. His name is Nate, a human that has been Jean's friend for the past several years. Nate looks at Nikolai, then back to Jean.


Nikolai merely grunts, blowing Nate off before walking away. Nate looks at Jean, still waiting for an answer; this is not his first time getting her out of trouble, so he knows the drill of finding out what was going on later. Nate and Jean start to walk to the cafeteria when she stops and looks at Michael.

"Care to join us?"

Michael stands there for a moment, then shrugs before before walking towards the pair, joining them on their way to the cafeteria; A perfect opportunity for him to find out what the hell is going on at this crazy university.

A/N: So what do do you guys think? I'm trying to put in a good amount of the story in each chapter without making it drag on. How far does this thing go with vampires and werewolves? What's so special about Michael that they are fighting over him? We'll see soon enough. Don't forget to vote/comment and please tell your friends about this story so I can get feedback from as many people as possible.

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