S. S. D. D.

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This was it. I made it to the university. My parents gave me a hollow hug as they made it look like they were trying not to cry. I knew they didn't care about me, they were only irritated that they were losing their errand boy. I know what you are thinking, 'They're your parents, of course they're gonna miss you, that's why they are crying.' What parents don't even help moving my stuff into my dorm, just staring around, then leave as soon as all my stuff, which wasn't much, was out of their car? No they didn't care, if anything they were happy to be rid of me: the planned disappointment.

The name is Michael Masters. Don't let the name fool you, we're not exactly high society. My sperm donor and his wife gave birth to me in a suburb area in Minnesota, and never left. The rest of the family lives in Wisconsin, so I didn't get to get them much. I have an older sister, the older accident. She wasn't planned and was quite a shock for my parents; I also have a younger brother, the younger accident, he also wasn't planned. Our parents say it was a 'happy accident' but we could all hear the hate dripping from the words.

'Okay, Michael, what about you? Are you the middle accident?'

Very observant of you to figure out the math that I am the hated middle child, but no, I wasn't an accident like my siblings, making them hate me even more. No, I was planned, but I was a disappointment the moment I was born. How? I was born with a heart defect.

'Oh, Mike, they can't be disappointed in you for something you couldn't control.'

The past eighteen years of my life would tell you differently.


"You Mike?"

I look up from the paperwork for the dorm to see another eighteen year old male walking through the doorway. After my parents ditched me here at the university in South Dakota, I settled myself in, half the room was already claimed by an unknown person, so my stuff occupied the previously empty half; I assume this guy is my roommate.

"Michael, and you must be..."


Moose? The Hell kind of name is Moose?

"It's my nickname, my parents said I walked like a moose since I was a baby, so the name stuck."

Nice parents, still, can't be any worse than mine. I give Moose a nod of hello and look back at the paperwork. It is basically an agreement that I will stay out of trouble and won't break anything or I'll pay for it and risk getting kicked out as well.

"I filled out the agreement we are supposed to do together, just need you to sign it."

I look up to see that Moose did indeed filled out our roommate agreement, and from what I read, it essentially puts him in charge of everything. I'm trying to have a fresh start, so I just sign it instead of causing trouble. Moose then snatches it out of my hand and leaves. I don't see him for the rest of the day. I continue to take my stuff out of the bags I transported them in and fill my dresser and closet. There is a knock on the door, so I look and see another male, about twenty years old, standing in the doorway.

"Hi there, I'm Zeke. I'm the Resident Assistant of this part of Jackson Hall. Just stopping by to welcome you and to let you know that you will need to keep your door open for the next couple of days, to encourage people to visit and get to know you."

Christ, I'm already bad with getting to know people and talking to them, now they're gonna force me to socialize? I sigh and shake my head, not even bothering to hide my disgust of the idea.

"Oh, come on, it won't be that bad. In fact, they are doing an orientation for new students in a few minutes at the cafeteria. You should go, get to know some of the other new students. If you have any questions, my room is at the end of the hall. Good luck!"

I sigh again as he leaves. What the Hell, it's not like I have anything better to do. I look at the map of the campus to see where the cafeteria is. I find it easily as it is part of the second biggest building on campus, it is surrounding by almost all the resident hall, except one. Guess which hall isn't next to it, and actually the farthest building away from the cafeteria.

Jackson Hall.


So not only do I now feel obligated to go, I have to walk all the way there while everybody else has a car or have a friend or even their family still there to drive them to the cafeteria.

Same Shit, Different Day.

A/N: So what do you think? Don't be scared to vote and/or comment. I thought it would be best to kind of start off like this and not right into vampire business. And before you ask, the story may or may not be based on the real life of someone I may or may not know, but obviously the guy has real issues with his immediate family. Can you blame him? Dedicated to WattVampires for setting up the challenge that sparked the inspiration for this story.


P.S. tagging authors that I liked reading (and aren't biased) so they can see and give feedback if they want. angeltwist, Weirdly_Sarcastic, and miss__imperfection_

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