The Dream

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I wake up in my bed, a nonexistent alarm forcing my eyes open. I look around my room and saw nothing amiss, except the silence. The lack of noise was deafening as it ringed in my ears. Soon the silence is broken as I hear someone rattling my doorknob. If it was my dormmate, he would just let himself in. No, this was someone else, I could feel them through the door. Before I could get up to reinforce the door, it opens. I am paralyzed as a smooth, slender hand comes around the door as it opens; a face comes around as they reveal themselves to me. It's the woman again, but she looks different somehow. I jump out of my bed but find myself with no exit; I look to the window and see its locked, and it would take way too long to open it. My attention is back on the woman as she closes the gap between her and me. Her eyes... they're blood red; only one thing pops into my mind when I see them.


She smirks at me, revealing her fangs. Before I could move, she has me pinned against my closet door. She was shorter than me, but God she was strong. She grabbed my head and hit it off the closet door. It wasn't enough to knock me out, but it was enough to make me slink to the ground; surprisingly, I didn't feel any pain. I feel the back of my hand for any damage as she crouches in front of me. I should be terrified, but I'm not; I can't even bring myself to be angry at her. She flashes me a fanged smile at me as she inches closer, opening her teeth to bite. I barely feel her fang touch the skin of my neck when an unseen force pulls me forward into light.

I wake up with a start, sitting my body up. Instantly I grab my neck, feeling for wounds, then the back of my head. Nothing. It was just a dream. I lay my head down and notice something dark next to me; I turn my head and see a long dark hair on my bed. My first thought is of the woman, but I reminded myself it was just a dream. I come to the conclusion it belongs to my dorm mate's girlfriend and drop it on the floor. What the hell is it doing on my bed is beyond me, but I wouldn't put it past them to have been "borrowing" my bed for their "activities."

I kick off my sheets and sit on the edge of my bed, standing up before a sharp pain stings my neck. I touch it and massage the stinging away, finding it strange the pain came from the same spot the woman was going to bite me in my dream; it's funny how your brain plays tricks you. I gathered my towel and other showering stuff, along with my key, and headed to the dorm showers. I open the doors and saw I was the only one, one a common occurance, since I don't know many people that willingly wake up at 4 am. I turn on the first shower and let it warm as I undress and slip on my shower sandals, the bathrooms are cleaned everyday, but only during the day. I step into the hot water and sigh as my tense muscles relax. I lather my shampoo into my hair and wash my body with my body soap, hardly flinching anymore as I scrub over my scars. The most predominant one is on my chest, a good fourteen inches long.

I subconsciously drag my finger over it as I remember yet again about my open heart surgery at birth; it saved my life, but destroyed my families'. I was constantly reminded that they could've said no to the surgery, and I would've suffered everyday until dying at the age of five. Instead, I suffered for eighteen years and I'm still alive. I wondered why they hated me so much, why was I such a disappointment? I was the only child they planned on having, but I still didn't come out the way they wanted. Why did they hate so much? In the end, all their hate came into me, and I started to hate them back. Now I don't give a damn about any of them.

I am pulled out of my thoughts and painful memories by the smell of wet dog, which is strange since no pets are allowed in Jackson Hall. Soon the white noise of my shower is overtaken by a low growl. It sounds too low and loud to be a dog, and definitely too big for a wolf in South Dakota. I don't dare make a sound, I can only question in my head.

'What the Hell is that?'

I freeze as the growling continues as I hear what sounds like claws scratching on the door of my shower. They were long, slow scratches; it knows I'm in the shower, I can hear it sniffing for me. It tries the door once, but it can't open it. In a sudden surge of courage, I spin around to face the door. There's nothing there, not a trace, even the smell is gone. I shake my head as I turn off the shower, starting to dry myself off; I must be losing my mind. I open the shower door and to my horror, I discover long scratch marks on the door. Okay, maybe I'm not losing my mind. I gather my stuff in a hurry and rush to my room, locking the door as I close it.

"Did we have fun in the shower, Michael?"

I spin around.


The woman smirks at me as she sits on my bed. How did she find my room and how the hell did she get in my room?!

"The R.A.'s here know me pretty well, they let me in here, since this used to be my room."

I quickly put some dark blue jeans on, as I already had my underwear on. I continue to dry my hair, my towel covering my upper half as I walk to my dresser.

"Thanks for the history lesson, now what the fuck are you doing in my room, in the men's section of the Hall?"

"Language. It wasn't always the men's section, and I'm curious about you. I'm trying to figure out what you are."

The fuck was she talking about? I throw my towel into my hamper, I hear a small gasp from her as I look for a shirt. As I turn, putting on a red v-neck, I catch a glimpse of her red face.

"What happened to you that you have all those scars?"

"You gonna explain what you're doing here?"

The woman stands up and takes a step towards me. I stand my ground, looking over her shoulder and seeing my laptop was on.

"Being nosy, I see. Did you find what you were looking for?"

I took another look at my laptop and saw she went through my history and bookmarks, highlighting the ones saved about vampires and other supernatural creatures.

"I'm trying to see if you really believe in that stuff."

"You're trying to see if I'm crazy so you can use it against me."

I'm a very suspicious and untrusting person by nature. I go over and close my laptop before facing the woman again.

"I'm trying to see how close you are getting to the truth, so what's with the scars?"

I tsked at at the woman while shaking my finger.

"My room, my rules. My questions first. You know a lot about me, but I don't even know your name."

"Jean, Jean Morson."

"Michael Masters."

I extend my hand to shake, and Jean grasps mine as she shook it. A light sting radiates from my hand as I realize she cut me with her nail, bringing it to her lips to taste my blood. What the fuck?


"Do all your introductions go like this?"

Jean tries her best to hold back a chuckle, not sure if that's a good thing or bad thing.

"I can see why they are interested in you, too. You're hairy like them, and you smell like them if you don't shower, but you seem like your one of us, too."

There she goes again, not making sense at all.

"What are you talking about?"

Jean only shrugs before walking away from me and to my door. She turns and smiles at me. I catch a glimpse of what looked like a fang before she speaks again.

"Be sure you get to class on time, professors here are really anal about students being late."

She leaves me dumbfounded and shaking my head. What the hell was she going on about? I look at the mirror and see a small bruise forming on my neck. Where did I get myself?

A/N: So what the hell was that thing in the shower room with Michael? Is Jean a vampire? Sorry for the long chapter and for how long it took to update. I don't even know if anybody reads these. I'll get to work on the next one when I can; I hope to have it up in a week or so.

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