To See the World Through Diamond Eyes

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I know its been awhile since i updated this story, sorry! I had really bad writer's block for this story and a lot of stuff happening in my life. But here you go, back to the Zeta!

Gilbert Hall -Northside University

Gabriel POV

It's been a full twenty-four hours since Michael has been bitten by the princess. Watching him with the survillence cameras I set up in and outside his room made it easy to keep tabs on him. When the princess left, I rigged his door with a silent alarm. Well, silent for him and any supernaturals that might open his door. Every time it opens, my screens instantly switch to the cameras focused on the door.

The princess opens the door, tripping the alarm. My main screen switches over so I can see her enter with a tray of food, setting it on the ground next to the bed and taking the old tray she set a few hours ago. I look at my digital watch to see it is 1800 hours, just like yesterday.

"Just like clockwork..."

"These vampires are nothing if not predicable..."

I fight back a chuckle as I agree with Zero, my wolf. True, they are at a college and have classes to go to, but even their paces and habits are predictable. I look out the window and watch a vampire run by as he's late for class. I glance at my watch to see its 1802.

"Tripping in 3...2...1..."

Right on cue, the vampire catches his right foot on a slab of concrete sticking a little high from the ground yet again 100 meters away, I measured the distance with my spotter scope when I first occupied the room.

"When is our time for a run, I'm restless, Gabe."

'Soon enough, Zero, we have to be sure no one is awake...'

I check the screen to see the princess leaving, leaving Michael alone in the room, still sleeping. I sigh as I change the screen, sweeping the area to make sure nothing is amiss, I look around my own room. It's simple, much like the other dorm rooms, but with one bed instead of those bunk beds. I open the top dresser drawer next to me and take out my Colt 1911. I check the breech after ejecting the magazine, perfectly clean and smooth movements, like it was never used; It doesn't look like it's been through four years of hell.

I set it back in its place before reaching further into the drawer to pull out a SIG Sauer P226, the pistol specially made for Navy SEALs. So why do I have one? Simple, it's a memento from one of my team members when he died; a reminder of the mistake I made that got my team killed. Zero whines as my mind goes to dark and haunting places...

Two years ago, The Middle East (Undisclosed Location)...

The roar of the chopper's engine could be heard even with our headsets on. I check my HK416 D10RS and all attachments yet again, just like the rest of my squad , the Wolf Pack; an appropriate name for us. We were members of different branches of the military, but we all had one thing in common: we were all werewolves. I look to Jack, the beta of my squad, codename Beta, as he was attempting to blare his music over our headsets to drown out the dull white noise of the engines. We kept our code names simple, second in command was Beta, then Gamma, Delta, and so on; we were our own pack, but with one difference. I refused to be called Alpha, I despised the title. So I came up with my own: Zeta. I look to Jack as his song plays in our headsets, bringing my mic closer to my mouth, signaling I was talking to him.

"You do know that song is talking about being dead, right?"

Jack gives me a look of disbelief, he had his own conclusion of the songs meaning.


"The guy that's singing is talking about being dead. That's why he's seeing with diamond eyes, glassed over and dead. Saying goodbye to the weakness is saying goodbye to mortality, and saying so long to the regrets is talking about all the mistakes and chances he never look while he was alive."

At this point, the whole squad is looking at me in silence, tuning in on their headsets.

"He is on the front line of purgatory, but he says not to worry and he'll be fine because his problems on Earth are over, and now his life is just beginning, but he's scared of crossing over every night when he sees angels come down and take other ghosts in purgatory. He still has unfinished business he thinks he can finish before they take him. Death is not the end; life is just one long, painful introduction."

My squad looks at me, then at each other.

"If you don't fear death, it can't control you, boys..."

Not another word was said until we landed at our destination, the Forward Operaring Base, or FOB.

We were flown to the Middle East for yet another mission that would remain on the black list, no one would or ever will know that it happened. I exited the Black Hawk as it touched down, the ground crunching under my boots. Behind me comes Jack, hoping out the same opening, as my Delta, Richard (or Dick we would call him) and my Gamma, William, hop out the other side.

Greeting us was Colonel Marx. He would be the one to brief us, and send us into what we would find out to be our own personal Hell.

A/N: Ok, I was farther along in this chapter than I thought. It might be a while for the next update, so feel free to check out my other story "My Convict Mate" in the meantime.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2016 ⏰

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