Chapter two

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I jump out of the window, i really don't want to go through the door. I shift into my wolf and run. I keep running until I get out of the pack territory and near a river. I am panting as I gulp some water down. I look and see the sun setting, might as well go to sleep. I shift (my clothes stay on, strangely I'm the only one that has that) and head to a big tree. I lay under it and fall into blissful sleep.


i get up quickly and see 5 wolves, they all growl at once and i hit the back of the tree. I will admit I'm scared out of my mind. I cant shift because then they will know what I am. The middle wolf stops growling and looks me over, he has power coming off him in waves, must be an alpha. He walks to a tree and i hear him shift and put some clothes on.

He comes back and says "what are you doing here rouge?" "Im not a rouge..." i mumble quietly. Rouges are insane,evil, and deadly werewolf's that don't have packs to be in. The other 4 come back and one growls out "WHY are you here Rouge!" i guess he doesn't like rouges, i get pissed and Diamond takes over and snarls out "We are not rouges! Be nice to my human, she has been abused and hurt for her entire life! She ran from her pack because her mate rejected her, now go away, she needs rest and food" diamond gives me back control. I can tell they are talking through their pack link. Then finally the alpha says "Lucas,Marcus go help her to our pack house, well help her there" 2 boys, look like identical twins, come and help me up. I push there hands away but right when I take the first step I trip and hit my head on a thick root that was out of the ground. Then I black out.

I wake up and mumble "Crystal, Diamond, where are you?" then I hear a voice "Who are they sweetheart?" I open my eyes fully and see a oldish lady looking over me "umm, there no one miss...." i stutter out "honey, i wont tell anyone about the crescent moon" i look at her and sigh "they are my animals, Crystal is my wolf and Diamond is my tigress" she is shocked and then says "then why would your pack be so rude to you? You are a chosen one from the moon goddess herself." "I never told them, nor did I show them except or my twin. He was the only one nice to me before and after my shift" she nods understandably and helps me up. She leads me outside to where the alpha is at.

When we come over he says "Hey, I'm Jason what is your name?" "Skylar, thank you for helping me but I should go" I try to walk away but he grabs my wrist and says "wait! No don't go! I helped you for a reason" " what reason was that?" "don't you feel the power coming off of you? I guess from being abused so much no one noticed how much power you have" I'm powerful?? ~yes Skylar you are, i hid it and Diamond hid our scent until now~ oh "please join our pack, i will personally train you if you do, please please please???" i laugh at his childness and say "you will train me??? YEESSSSS" i yell while jumping up and down. He chuckles and say "whos the child now huh?" i roll my eyes at him

He's giving me a tour of there "village" village my ass, this place is HUGE its like a kingdom!!! Toward the end of showing me everything a girl with Those twins come over. "JJAAAAASSSSOOOOOONNN" the girl yells as they walk over to us. I get scared a little, i don't want to get beaten now, i hide behind jason as they walk over. The 3 look at me startled and one of the twins ask "hey jason...." "yes Lucas" "why is the new girl we found hiding behind you?" Jason looks behind him and sees me. I start tearing up a bit and then the girl says "Lucas! Your scaring her! Did you try to kill her already?!?!?" she rushes to hug me "NO! I don't kill my pack friends! Only the enemies!! Sorry i didnt mean to be scary or rude" i look at him, calculating his eyes. He is telling the truth. I smile and hug him.

Then we exchanged names Natasha(the girl) asks "Hey Sky, do you want to be an assassin?" i think for a moment and say "defiantly" she looks at Jason with pleading eyes and he laughs and says "Skylar our pack is the Moonlight assassin pack" what?!? They are the strongest pack in the WORLD!!! The blood creak pack is the second strongest. I start crying again and the Marcus says "why are you crying?!?!" "Sorry its just that I never had anyone be so nice to me, except for my twin and animals" " wait, twin??animalS???" Lucas puts his hands on his hips and says in a sassy girl voice "Girl, you better start making those lips mpve and tell us what you mean" then he snaps his fingers. "well.... My twin is Kaiden, he was the only one nice to me and I have two animals, my wolf and my tigress" they look at me in amazement and Marcus,Lucas say at once "we are going to be the best of friends!!!!"

And thats how my new life started

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