Chapter three

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*******2 YEARS LATER*******

So its been about two years, well duh i said that earlier. Allot has changed. I am not shy anymore. Ive gotten taller (5.7), my hair got glossy, eyes full of life, and...honestly my breasts got bigger. I am head assassin, second in command for the pack. And the twins and I are the 3 musketeers, but whenever you see us together...well get ready for something to happen, good or bad.I hang out with tash too, and Jason.lets get back to the story shall we?

"HEY YOU GUYS!!" I look up and see Jason coming for us. Me, Marcus, and Lucas look at each other and say at once "What did you do this time???what me?? I didn't do it!!" We see him walking closer and closer, i look at him and notice he's planning something "guys...he's planning something..."

last time he did something with THAT face we built a castle, then before that we made a nuclear generator. Whenever he plans something, its big. Sometimes good.

We look at each other and back at jason. Who is right in front of us now I might add. "Skylar, I need to talk to you, alone" i glance at the twins who nodded. I get up and follow Jason. We walk into the forest surrounding us and then afterr a minute he spoke "Sky, I cant be alpha" I look at him in shock "why?!?!" "Sky, we all know I dont have alpha blood in me, I only took this position so our pack can be safe, you have more power than anyone I know, please be alpha" i look at him in shock but then I say "On one condition" he nods at me to continue "You be second in command and the Twins are my loyal assassins." "hmmmmmm" he thinks about it for a minute.

Then he says "I suppose that can work" "YES YES YES YES YEEEE- I mean....thank you" we laugh and head back to the twins, the dining pavilion. Thankfully the pack was there already "People of the pack! We all know that I do not have any alpha blood in me and that skylar has more than any other alpha, but we need the packs decision if you want Skylar as alpha or not." everyone I'm this pack knows me(thats saying something, we have around 476 pack members) they all yelled out yes out loud and in the pack link. I was so happy on how much my pack loved me I started crying, then everyone went and hugged me and congratulated me.

As i gained Alpha i felt even more powerful. Everyone gasped and bowed in submission. I smiled and spoke, in a more powerful voice, said " Rise my people. With me as alpha, and my animals, we shall succeed in many more things!!!" they all yelled in approval. Then we threw a party in my honor. We invited surrounded packs and we partied like crazy. After around 6 in the morning I headed for bed.

Because I am now alpha I live in the master-bedroom of the kingdom. They moved my stuff there awhile ago. When you walk in your in the bedroom. It has a Lapis Lazuli design on it, the bed is Lapis Lazuli, the dresser. The mirror frame, everything! Well except for the doors, floor, and wall, those are white with my posters on them. You know, Star Wars, assassins, Ed Hardy, tomboy type of things mostly. Then there are 3 doors, a balcony, the bathroom, and the walk-in closet. But there also is a secret door that leads to the two rooms for my loyal assassins(which I chose the twins of course). The balcony overlooks the whole kingdom. The bathroom is a black and white texture. While the walk-in closet is red. I jump onto the bed (massive, bigger than a king and queen combined) and fall straight into sleep.

I get up and grin. Today my loyal assassins and I get our "royal" weapons of our choice. I jump and take a quick shower and change. I head through the secret tunnel to the twins rooms, I go in Marcus's room first and see him ready already I grin and we both head to Lucas and go to the vault. Thats were the weapons and treasury is at.

We walk in the weapon section. The twins ran straight for the daggers and bows(with multiple types of arrows) "LOOOK!!! Skylar!! Its true!!! DAEDRIC BOWS AND ARROWS!!!!!(lol only people that know Skyrim will get it) Marcus grabs the bow and some arrows and runs to the targeting practice outside. Lucas grabs a set of daggers to try out, but before he left he turned and asked "Sky you okay? Have you found what weapon you want?" I glance at the weapons then back to him and said "Ill be out there soon okay?" "Alright, see ya. MARCUS WAIT UP!!!!!!" I laugh watching him try to catch up with Marcus.

I walk around. Bow? No, i like fighting in the front. Dagger? I like fighting up front but thats too close. A sword and shield? Ehhh, Im all offense. I keep walking then freeze. Take a few steps back and look at the set in awe. Its a 3 set piece of weaponry. First is a Scythe, a titanium pole with a red stone, diamond, and emerald swirl. Then the blade is iron with a steel tip sharpened to go through anything. Next is a katana. The handle has a fine leather grip and the steel blade has a red wolf tinted into it, it is as sharp as the Scythe as well. Lastly is a set of ninja stars, with a red stone tracking device in it so the blade will come back to its owner. I grab the Scythe and feel it hum with me. The weapon always chooses its owner, not the other way around.

I grin and grab a belt. I put the ninja stars on the belt and put the katana on the belt as well. I put the scythe in a strap on my back. I glance at the mirror before heading towards the twins, I look badass!!! They see me and they say at once "whoa, you got the legendary weapons?!?!?!" "Legendary weapons?" "Yes, Legend says that when this pack took over this section of the land they say those weapons appeared out of nowhere no one knows how or why" "whoa, i can still keep them right?" We all laugh and then start practicing witht the weapons. The weapons are like an extension with my arm, I am good with weapons, but this is different, its like Im unstoppable.

We practice until night time and them head to our rooms. Before we made it to our rooms a messenger came. He said "Alpha! We have received a message!" I thank him and ask him to wait for my reply as I read the message, it said:

Dear Alpha of the Moonlight Assassins pack,

We are in desperate need of your assistance, hunters and rouges have been terrorizing our pack and we are in desperate need of your trainers, if you accept we will give you transportation and our extra pack house, please help us.

Alpha Jake (Blood Creak pack)

I stare at it and slowly get an evil smirk on my face. I look at the twins and say "Guess who is getting Karma and who is getting revenge? Messenger tell them I accept and that we have a new alpha, but do not say who" he nods and leaves. The Twins grin evilly with me as we go and pack our stuff AND pack our....joke.....bags. Well bitches, I'm coming back and my revenge will be so sweet.

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