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Colette's POV.

Avia was finally out of the house.  I love her to death but sometimes I need a break. 
"Hey babe come here." I heard my handsome hubby call from his office.
I walked into his office. 
"I love you Colette." Shay said as he leaned in for a kiss.  Then my phone started ringing .  bring bring bringgggg.
"One sec babe this might be important it's Avia's cheer coach." I said answering the phone.
(CA Coach Amy, CO Colette)
CO: hello?
CA: hi Collette could you head to the pocatello hospitalAvia passed out and I think something might be broken.
(End of phone call)
"Shay, Avia passed out! Call Casey and drop the kids off.  Then meet me at the hospital." I said.
"Omigosh OK I'm on it.  I love you babe." He said giving me a quick kiss. I grabbed a bag and quickly stuffed some necessary items into it since I had no idea how long I would be there.  I raced over to the hospital, and ran inside.
"Avia butler please." I said at the front desk.  They gave me the information and I raced upstairs to her room.
"Avia!" I cried as a ran in the room.  "Are you OK!?" I saw my precious daughter laying on a hospital bed with an IV in her arm and the other arm craddeled with a sling.
"Yes im ok I'm not dead but they said I shattered my arm.  I'm getting surgery tomorrow once the swelling goes down but I have to stay the next two nights." She explained. 
"OK I'll text your dad and tell him to bring you a bag of stuff.

C: Avia shattered her arm... Needs surgery plz pack a bag with clothes and things to entertain her with.
S: Ok tell her I love her, and u. Praying.

I decided I should tell the viewers why there wouldn't be a vlog up today.  I pulled my camera out for a one take.
"Hey guys. So there probably won't be a vlog up tonight.  Avs you wanna explain?". I said pointing the camera towards her bed.
"Hey guys so at cheer today I shattered my arm attempting a back tuck.  It was my fault though my coach told me no.  All I remember is prepping for my tuck then it all went black.  I woke up here about an hour ago and the nurse said I passed out from the pain and shock of it all also that I had to stay in the hospital for 2 days  because I shattered my arm and im getting surgery tomorrow." Avia explained.
"So yeah guys." I said pointing the camera back on me.  I turned the camera off and pulled out my macbook.  I connected the camera to the laptop and uploaded the footage to the shaytards channel.  I tilted it.  PRINCESSTARD IS HURT!  I figured Shay would name it something like that. He can always edit the title later.  I added a quick description and pushed upload.  It was only about 2 minutes long so I didn't take long to upload it.
About an hour later Shay came in with a bunch if stuff in his arms including a coffee for me and a frappe for Avia.
"Awe Babe you thought of everything!" I said kissing him.  He kissed me back.
"Ew no PDA in front of your injured child please!" Avia shouted.  We both laughed which was nice. 
"The kids are spending the night at Casey's he said they could stay as long as they needed. Shay said.
"Ok great."
The next morning Avia woke Shay and I up by repeativly shouting 'I want breakfast, I want breakfast.' Luckily the nurse came in with a tray full of food for Avia. 
"Honey I'll go grap something for us." Shay said.  After he left Avia turned on the TV. 
"Ohhh dance moms is on." She said excitedly.
"Oh no no no that's what started this mess." I said taking the remote.  I turned on a cooking show.
"Why do you get to pick I'm the one in pain?" Avia said. 
"Excuse me missy give me a break!  Your father and I just spent the night trying to sleep in chairs for you.  We're not with our other kids for you and we're spending a buttload of money for you." I said angerly.
"The least you can do is let me watch my show!" I shouted.  Shay came back with the food.  Once I had eaten I realized what I had said. 
"Hey avs I'm sorry I blew up at you I'm just really stressed right now and I was starving.  You can pick I'm sure your nervous for your surgery today." I apologized.
Avias POV

"Ok Avia its time to prepare for your surgery." The nurse said.  My dad was vlogging.  The nurse gave me this nasty medicine. I watched dance moms until I was to tired to care.  I love dance moms so much my favorite girl is probably Mackenzie or Maddie but I love them all.  And Melissa is my favorite mom. 
So after I got really sleepy the nurse came in and wheeled my bed into a room.  Then she put a mask on me. Just like that I was out.

All right a little bit of a longer chapterI have so much planned for my next chapterAlso please don't judge this is my first book on wattpadThanks for the 45 people who have read. It doesn't seem like many reads to most people but its excited that 45 people in the world have read my writing and  a story I created.

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