Chapter One: The Ceremony

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(A picture of Keezheekoni ready to receive her totem)

Today's the day. Today i'm going to get my totem. I was laying in a field with two my adopted brothers, Dyami and Maska when my other adopted brother,Demothi, came running toward us telling us something. At first we didn't get it but then we understood, it was to climb up. All four of began to climb the nearby trees. When the stampede was gone Maska tackled Demothi and was about to spit on him when we heard a familiar voice say, Knock it off you two! It was my older adopted sister, Izusa. she was carrying a basket full of berries. Hi Izusa. I greeted. Oh hello Keezheekoni, I didn't see you there. What kind of berries are those? Poisonous, she said while looking at Demothi. He then started to cough and spit. We all started to laugh then she said, You need to watch what you do, Demothi and Keezheekoni? Yes? I'm happy for and you guys, yes sister? Watch out for him. She told us then headed back. Watch out for him. Watch out for him. Demothi mock then said, Like she knows, I can take care of myself. Demothi, She only says that because she cares. Dyami told him. Maska just rolled his eyes and said, Let's go already. We all headed out to hunt some game. It took a while to track something but once we did it turned out to be a good looking deer once we killed him we then carried him back to the village to eat after the ceremony. At the village everyone was getting ready meanwhile Demothi and I were gutting, skinning and preparing the deer we had caught earlier to eat when Izusa came by telling us, You guys should hurry that up, Denahi is already here. We're coming! Yelled Demothi. Well don't mess it up. She yelled back while leaving. Come on, Koni, if we do this together then we'll be faster. Good idea, Mothi. Once we were done i asked him, where do we put the meat? Uh, Oh in this basket. Now lets go. Are you sure. I'm positive,come on! He told me while pulling on my hand. We made it just in time because Denahi had just called out Demothi's name he gave him the totem of the falcon of protection. Now it was my turn, Hi Keezheekoni, Are you nervous? A little bit, I admitted but he gave me a warm smile then said, Don't be it's a good one. Keehheekoni, your totem will guide you throughout you life and this totem is, the wolf of forgiveness. I glared at him like it was some kind of joke, he began to frown telling me with a sigh,this is really your totem. I don't want it. What? I said I don't want it! Koni! I heard Demothi call out. 

                                                            Izusa's POV

I saw her face turn from anger to hatred at he told her that was her totem. She then ran out after yelling she didn't want it. I then took it from grandfather and ran after her. Keezheekoni? I called then I heard sniffling coming from a bush, Keezheekoni? What? Koni, are you alright? No, my totem is a stupid wolf. Keezheekoni, let me tell you something. When I first gotten my totem I thought it was stupid as well. Really? she asked. Yes, I mean, goose of guideness? Doesn't that sound stupid? What happened? Well I finally grew to accept my totem then I found it. What? Oh just bossing you guys around. We both laughed, then I asked, Do you feel better? A little, Thank you Izusa. No problem. I told her while placing her totem around her neck.

                                                                          Keezheekoni POV

When we came back I saw that Maska was teasing Demothi about his totem, At lease we know why you're so annoy. Knock it off Maska. Izusa told him, Yeah like your totem isn't any better, added Dyami. The ram of choices is pretty neat unlike the stag of guarding. Just then we heard Denahi say, Knock it off you guys. Your totem is based on you so there is no good or bad totems. Just then someone called out, Denahi, come look at this. There was a basket knocked over along with blood. What happened? He asked. Apparently some wild animals came across some meat. Answered a man. Oh no. Said Demothi. What's wrong? Asked Denahi. That was going to be our dinner tonight. Demothi admitted. You idiot! Yelled out Maska. It's alright we have fish. We can eat that. Stated Dyami. Come on, it took us forever to find and kill that deer. Why don't you ever do something useful, Demothi? Fine. I'll get another deer. Demothi wait. Denahi called as Dyami and Izusa started glaring at Maska while I went after Demothi. When I caught up to him he had tracked down the animal that had ate our deer he told me that it was a wolf. I was shock at first but then I told him, Let's get him. Are you sure. He asked but I told him, I'm positive. Then we headed out, soon we found a lone wolf that looked like it was eating something, I could feel heat from my anger, my brother tapped my shoulder I looked up to see him putting his finger against his lips then pointed to the wolf. I nodded then jumped out of our hiding spots as we faced it. 

                                                                                            Dyami's POV

Izusa, Maska and I were now looking for Demothi. I called out his name along with my sibling, I could hear Izumi say, Where is he? Maybe he flew away? Said Maska. Ow! He said after Izusa hit him. You should be serious, that's our brother. I told him annoyed. Suddenly I heard a scream, looked to them then we ran to the source hopping we weren't too late.

                                                                                              Demothi POV   

We were surrounded, we were near a den and now the wolves were attacking us. I knew we couldn't hid and we couldn't run from them suddenly I thought that if one if us were slower then the other might escape. I took a deep breath then told Keezheekoni to run, she gave me a look but i told her it was our best chance. I gave her a hug and quick kiss on the forehead then we ran only I ran slightly slower then her. My plan worked,she was safe. 

                                                                                            Keezheehkoni POV

I ran as fast as I could but then I realized that Demothi wasn't behind. I looked around until saw him, he looked so torn up that I screamed. After a bit my other adopted siblings came and the were lost for words finally, Dyami asked me, What happened,T-There were wolves everywhere. Demothi told me to run once I notice he was missing I found him here. I told him, Izusa hugged me as cried I could tell that she was crying too. When we came back Denahi took care of Demothi's remains after a few days I left to get even with those monsters. 

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