Chapter Three: You Are What You Hate

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(This is an image of Koni and the wolf she became.)

I moaned in pain as awoken, suddenly I heard a familer voice say, Well, it's a beatiful morning, Keezheekoni. i looked to my right to see Denahi, with a smile. Denahi! I'm so glad to see you. I thought I died but I saw that I was still breathing anyways, I got my revenge- I was cut off when he gave me a sad look then said, I'm really sorry Koni but I don't understand you. Wha. I said confused as he took a deep breath then told me, you're a wolf. Shooked my head in disbelief but I saw I had paws, a muzzle and that tail, at that moment I lost it. No! No! No! I can't be a wolf this has to be a mistake. Just then I was picked up, Keezheehkoni! Demothi did this to you. My eyes widen but I continued to listen to him. Listen, you remember when I told you and the others about my brother kenai? i nodded hoping he knew that luckily for me he continued, Well this kind of thing happened to him and Tanana told him to go the mountain where the lights touch the earth so that he could turn back into a man. Also Keezheekoni, you should try to see what you did wrong. Oh and you have be careful of hunters. Wait, I didn't do anything wrong. I looked up to see that he had vanished, Denahi? Denahi? I called but there was no answer, Where did he go? I muttered, but more importantly how am I going to get there? Just then I heard someone say, I'lll sit on the eggs and you get some worms. Why do I have to? It was two birds, Because i'm their mother. She argued. Well, I'm their father. He argued back. Just go! She yelled. Fine,nag. He mumbled the last part. What was that? She asked I saw him tense up when he answered, Oh nothing, dear. Then she screamed, Come back! Theres a wolf right behind you. Wait! I called but he was already gone. I moaned in defeat then kept walking hoping to find someone that can help me and hopefully no more of those wolves.

                                                                           Maska's POV

I finally found the village. When I returned my siblings were there to meet me. My sister looked at me with confusion while my brother asked me, Maska, where is Keezheekoni? I looked him straight in the eyes and told him, She is dead. Izusa the demanded, What happened? I told them and even showed them her spear and ripped clothing. Izusa started crying while Dyami asked me, Maska are you sure that's what happened? I glared at him, Are you calling me a lier!?! I saw that monster kill my sister! I not calling you anything,Maska, I just want to know before I tell anyone else. He told me calmly. Alright. I told him it suddenly became quite so I asked him, What are we going to do? I am against revenge however I will not stand here and watch more innocent people be slater. Dyami told me then Izusa added, I'm coming with you, I want to help. I smiled a bit hoping that our sister's spirt could now satisfied. 

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