Chapter 1

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Pandora's POV

~Some years later~

I wake up a few minutes before my alarm clock and stare at the celling. "Ugh. Waking up early sucks", I say getting up and stretching. I start to get ready for school and turn off my alarm before it goes off. Someone knocks on the door.

"Sweetheart are you awake?"

"Yes mom I'm up."

"Can you wake up your brothers for me? I'm going to the pack house with Mica to give your dad some documents he left ."

"Will do mom" I say before jumping in the shower. When I come back out, my two friends are playing Go fish on my bed.

While walking in my closet I said to my best girl-friend, "Chloe, I understand your one of those crazy people that wake up early and are just ... well crazy, but Miguel and you together just means there's another you but worse."

Chloe snickers while Miguel stands up, bows theatrically and says, "Good morning to you too Mrs. Grumpy pants."

I laugh and throw on a large white T-shirt , black jeans, and some socks and shoes which color was most likely black. Then I walked out of my closet, hugged Chloe and Miguel and walked out of my room, down to the kitchen.

"So what do you guys say about dividing and conquering?"

"What about it?" says Chloe who's jumping on the counter.

"Well, I was wondering if you could go wake my siblings up while Miguel and I here start cooking breakfast." She just looked at me. "Of course that also means you can eat with us and-"

"Say no more!" Then she jumps off the counter and races upstairs like a mad woman being chased by an angry mob. We hear her start thumping on my brothers' doors yelling, "Get up in 5 minutes or I'll scream into y'alls ears until you do!"

Miguel and I laugh and start cooking. We knew she loved food and would do almost anything for it. Well hell, I'm the same as her except that I'll only do all reasonable things and some crazy things.

By the time we were done making breakfast, everyone was downstairs. We all sat and started eating(or inhaling in Chloe's case) when my older brother, Shawn, the next alpha, smirked and asked, " So lil panda bear, ready to find your mate?"

Oh yeah did I forget to mention we're all werewolves? Well, now you know! Anyway, after my dear brother decided to mention that, everyone looked at me.

"Ughhhh, Shawn why are you bringing this up? My birthday is in 3 days not now!"

Everyone laughed and he said, "I'm bringing it up because it's important and because it embarrasses you."

I pouted. He chuckles then pats my head. "Panda bear its nothing to be embarrassed over but I'll stop." I grin and Miguel curses semi-loudly. I look at him questioningly.

"I need to turn something in before school starts and if its anything like last time I won't have enough time."

"Then let's go," I say getting up. Once Chloe heard that though, she started chugging her food down as if she'd never eat again.

I said goodbye to Shawn and my three younger brothers, Marcos, Andrew, and Joshua, then dragged Chloe outside with our backpacks. She starts to whine and says, "But, but, my fooooooooood. Pandoraaaaaaa, Fooooooooooooooood."

Miguel opens our doors when I say," I'll buy whatever you want for lunch if you hurry up and get in the car-" She jumps and buckles herself in the car.

"What are you waiting for? We have school to get to. Chop chop motherfuckah!" Then she starts to drool. "Mmmm, now I want pork chops."

I laugh and jump in the front seat. Miguel just chuckles, shakes his head and starts the drive to school. While they were debating the effects of beans, greens, and eggs (gas lol), I thought about the whole mate thing. I don't think I'm ugly nor fat and I'm not the prettiest or the skinniest(nor would I want to be super skinny. I'm like come on! I don't wanna be a skeleton). I am 5'11 , I'm black(or African American if you would prefer to say that), I have long dark brown hair that hates me so I usually braid it. I'm a little chubby but that's probably cause my boobs are big. Not that I show it off a lot of course. That would be rude..... to my boobs. They get cold quite easily. Because you never know. My boobs could shrink like balls that hit cold water(*snicker*). Besides, as wolves, we wouldn't get very large anyway.

We arrived at school with 15 minutes to spare. We all get out and Miguel kisses both of our foreheads. "I'll meet you in 10 minutes by our lockers so try not to get in trouble." Chloe and I saluted him.

"Aye aye Captain Miguel."

He smirked, ruffled my hair, and ran off.

Miguel is kind of like another older brother to me. Well technically he is because my family adopted him when his parents passed away but he's still my best friend. We started towards the school when I heard Ashley.

I growled softly then turned to Chloe and said, " Guess who's here?"


"The triple-A battery." Chloe and I snickered.

Yes, we called the three main bitchettes at our school a triple A battery. Why? I have no fucking clue. All I know is that I saw a battery randomly fall out of Ashley's purse and it came to me. A for Ashley, A for Amanda and A for Ally. I don't hate them, though they are very annoying.

"What are you laughing at fatty?" said Ashley smirking.

I smiled back and said" You. Was it not obvious enough or should I laugh louder since your clearly close to being deaf?"

She growled." Your just jealous that you can't be as pretty as me."

Still smiling I say, " Your pretty....Pretty petty. I may not be top model material for a werewolf but I'm prettier and nicer than you who probably has a boob and nose job. Which by the way ain't fooling no one." Ignoring her shocked/enraged face, I walked with Chloe to our lockers, where Miguel was waiting for us.

"Did y'all do something I should know about?" Miguel asks upon seeing Chloe laughing.

Chloe salutes him and says,"Pandy here just dissed the leader of triple A again sir ma'am, sir ma'am!"

"Cool what did pandy sa- wait did you just call me a ma'am Chloe?" says Miguel while slowly raising his eyebrows.

She nodded enthusiastically. "Yes I did Captain sir ma'am."

Miguel was about to say something else when the bell started ringing. We all looked at each other, laughed, then sprinted to class. I couldn't help but wonder about these other wolves I've been smelling since I got to school. Well if the teachers aren't worried I won't be. I sighed as I went faster to catch up to Chloe and Miguel.




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