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Unknown's POV

~~5 years ago~~

I ran from the pack house with my baby brother in my arms and my mother in tow. We were almost off pack lands when three wolves came out and attacked us. My mom jumped and shifted into her large, dark brown wolf form before tearing at one of the much bigger wolves' throats. The other two slightly smaller wolves growled loudly as they approached her. While the smallest of the three aimed for her throat, the other went for her leg to disable her. She brutally ripped at the smallest wolves' throat causing the second wolf to bite my mom's stomach instead of her leg.

I wanted to fight with her but I had a responsibility to watch over my new-born brother, so, instead, I contemplated countless ways I could assist from the sidelines. My mom chewed the second beast's ear off which led to the wolf stumbling back towards me. This was my chance. With him in range of me, I whacked him with a tree branch straight into a tree. He didn't move again which I took as a good sign, but then my brother started crying. I reached in my backpack and pulled out one of my dad's T-shirts and gave it to my mom. She limped behind a tree to change while I calmed my brother down. When she came back out I handed her my brother then I picked them both up and started running.

"I can still run," my mother yelled over the sound of the wind rushing past us as we escaped the battle behind us. I just shook my head and continued.

"Dad would've hit me if I let you run in your state," I replied sharply.

She sighed but kept still. We stayed that way for about four hours or so until we saw a hotel. When we got closer I put her down, gave her more clothes to put on and walked with her and my brother inside.

As we walked in, an elderly women saw us and smiled.

"Hello dearies. What can I do for you today?" The woman asked still smiling, clearly trying to be overly polite.

"One room for us three, please."

The old lady watched us for a moment noticing my mom's limp earlier. "Why, of course, dearie. And, since you seem a little worse for wear, I won't charge you this time around."

"We appreciate the thought ma'am but we're only staying for a day and we're more than willing to pay. How much is it?"

The lady shook her head " If I took your money right now I would be ashamed. I didn't start this business for the money. I have more than enough so I insist."

After a brief hesitation, my mom gave her thanks and we went up to our room. Immediately after we entered, I bandaged my mom's wound as best as I possibly could and when she'd laid down for the night, I put my brother to bed. I locked the door and made sure the windows were closed before laying down on my bed. I cried myself to sleep for the first time that night. I'm only thirteen and I've already witnessed more than I dreamed I ever would.

~Two Years Later~

"I have taught you all that I know about your kind, son. Now, it's up to you to figure out the rest." She starts tearing up whimpering," I just wish your father were here."

She takes a deep breath, wipes her tears and repeats herself in a more calm, yet strict manner.

"I wish your father were here to help you but he's not so you just have to do the best you can. It's just you and your brother now. You must take care of each other, okay?" I nodded slowly before she continued.

"Promise me, Jack, that you will be careful and watch out for your brother no matter what." I nodded again, holding back tears. I didn't want my mother's last image of me to be sobbing.

When we finally got away after mom was injured, we didn't realize that she had been poisoned when she was bitten. She was fine for the first year. She did her best to stay strong for us, but this year she couldn't even stand for 5 minutes without collapsing and there were several occasions in which I caught her in the bathroom, vomiting blood. The old lady who owned the hotel we stayed at was nice enough to give directions to a hospital (that she also owned) before we left her ( It was later found out that she is also a werewolf which explains the genuine kindness). Even at the hospital the doctors only managed to slow down the spreading of the poison. She survived two years and now she's finally fading...

"I promise you that I will do everything in my power to keep us both safe." I barely got all of that out, but I needed my mom to feel confident in me before she passed.

I willed myself not to cry when my younger brother slowly walked toward our mom to speak his first word after two years of silence.


He spoke so innocently that it brought my mother to tears. She smiled and through her tears said something I will keep close to my heart forever:

"I love you, Ryan. I will always love you and Jack no matter where I am. Now mommy is going to take a good, long rest but don't you worry," she looked at me, hopeful. "Jack will take care of you."

She kissed both of our heads, closed her eyes as if she was just exhausted and held onto our hands tightly.

"I will be watching over you both with papa now."

She smiled faintly as her hands went limp and body sank into the bed. Silent tears finally rolled down my cheeks as my brother kept calling out to our mom. I internally screamed in agony because at that moment I finally realized, I would never again get to see her eyes open.

Sorry I forgot to put the prologue in. But I'm literally crying rn so yea... Byeee

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