Chapter 5

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Pandora's P.O.V.

The next two weeks continued to go like this: he would bump into me (with Ashley or Amanda on his arm of course), continue what he was doing with them(usually sucking each other's face off), then right when I'm about to go do something productive with my life, he comes, drags me into an empty room and tries to get me to do 'it' with him. The result is always the same. I leave him.. With bruises. What can I say, I don't like him so much the mate bond basically doesn't even put up a fight.

Also, if you didn't know, today is Chloe's birthday!!! Yaaaay!!!!! Bad thing is, it's Friday so we still technically have school. Which means? *drum roll* Maxwell!! Another yay for that right? Bwahahaha I'm soooo punny.

Anyway, I was walking to my last period when I was pulled once again into an empty classroom(How many classrooms are we not using at this school?). Only this time it wasn't Maxwell. No, it was someone even better. Ashley!

"Hey bitch, stay away from Maxwell. He's mine" she said fiercely.

I sighed, "I think your eyesight is getting worse cause when have I ever stayed around him on purpose?"

She frowned and said, "How the hell am I supposed to know that when all I see is him eye raping you and grabbing you into empty classrooms?!"

See? Even she's starting to notice. Then she started crying... With actual tears and snot and stuff. Oh for crying out loud! I DO NOT FEEL LIKE COMFORTING THIS SIDE HOE(I'm kidding~).

But of course, my soft side just handed her some tissues.

"Ashley, listen to me. I do not like Maxwell and I'm pretty sure I (won't/n)ever will. So just ignore me and go after him."

She looked up at me sniffing and said:" I finally got him to stop making out with every female he sees but the one person he won't stop trying with is you."

I almost sighed again. Too much shit. Maxwell pisses me the hell off. Right when I was about to say something though he comes in the room. When he sees me he walks up, roughly moves Ashley to the side and shoves his tongue down my throat. I immediately push him away and spit out some of the stuff he tried to put in my mouth. I look at him in disgust.

"You hoe-bag, what the hell did you try to make me swallow?"

He smirked and pulled Ashley in his arms. She was crying again but now she was mad again. Guess who the bitch was mad at? If you guessed me you are surprisingly wrong. She was mad at hoe bag.

She spit in his face and said, "I hate you, let go of me."

His crazy ass self just smiled and slapped the shit out of her. Twice. Now she was on the ground whimpering, he was grinning, and I was seeing black spots in my vision. Then Maxwell, who was having way to much fun in my opinion, said and I quote," I, Maxwell Travis, Reject you, Pandora Savage, as future mate and Luna of the BloodHound Pack."

Ashley's eyes widened in realization and looked at me. She immediately mind-linked me saying," Sorry Pandora. I had no idea he was you-"

"It doesn't matter Ashley. What I need you to do is call for Miguel and Chloe."

She nodded quickly. Before passing out, I looked sort of straight at Maxwell and said, "I, Pandora Savage, accept your rejection fucktart."

Right before I fell down, my wolf howled in pain/sadness and Maxwell looked at me in victory then with pain and downright confusion.



When I woke up, I was in my bed and Chloe, Miguel, and Naomi were asleep next to me. I yawned, looked at the time and then went to the bathroom kicking whoever was asleep on the ground. The person swore which, by the way, was muffled by the pillow they were on. I did my business and when I got out of the bathroom, everyone was awake.


Was all I said before I was tackled to the ground in a group hug/tackle. I wheezed out, "You guys are gonna kill me soon."

They all gradually got off of me when I said that.

"Thanks... So was I drugged?" I said curiously.

I looked up and realized who all was here. It was Miguel, Chloe, Naomi, Andrew, Marcos, Shawn, Kendra, and Ashley. They all nodded when I came across an unfamiliar guy in my view. I tilted my head slightly.

"Hello, random person. May I ask who and why you are here?"

A few of them chuckled and he just smiled and hugged Chloe from behind.


I immediately smirked. I looked at Chloe and she flushed red.

"Never mind then. Anyway, it is still your birthday correct?" I was hoping I wasn't out for a few days and missed my friend's birthday. When she nodded I got up.

"To the kitchen then Robin! Or should I say Robins, cause I'm the only batman here."

I smirked again and ran downstairs as most of them all raced me. When I got to the kitchen I jumped on my dad's back.

"Bwahahaha I am the Terminator."

I did in a crappy terminator voice. We all laughed and played and stuff *wink wink Chloe* until we got tired. Then we had a sleepover in the game room.

Right before I passed out I mind linked everyone in the room and said "Goodnight wannabe Batman's" I heard someone snort before falling into a restless sleep.

I finally put another chapter. Yay!! Ima be busy but I'll update As soon as possible. Bye!!

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