Chapter 4

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Pandora's P.O.V.

I walked through the boisterous forest until I reached a silent clearing. In it, was a young woman with silvery blonde hair, green eyes, and a blue and white silk dress. She smiled softly and said, "Hello daughter."

I was confused but didn't say anything as I unconsciously walked towards her. She was so beautiful it was hard to look or walk away.

When I reached her, she grabbed my hands and sat us both down on top of the soft grass.

"My dear daughter, you will meet your mate, but do not worry and do not lose hope. Some things are not as they seem and some things are meant to happen. All I ask is that you trust your heart and think with a clear mind and you shall not lose your way."

She gracefully stands up and walks to a boy I didn't notice near the edge of the clearing.

She spoke a few words to him in hushed tones, before walking out of the clearing. Then the boy began hesitantly walking towards me. He was tall, with tanned skin, short black hair and the most amazing hazel eyes I've ever seen. He kneeled in front of me and looked directly into my eyes. As I gazed back at him, I saw some kind of complicated mess but also something gentle, warm and pleading. Almost as if he was asking for me to stay.

"Please wait for me." He said in his surprisingly deep voice. "I don't know whether you or this dream are real, but if you are, can I hope? Even if your taken can I just find you to know your real and alive?"

As bewildered as I was, I nodded. Then I felt the need to comfort him somehow. Slowly, I reached out and touched his cheek with my fingertips and immediately felt sparks. Before I could comprehend what had happened, I woke up.

[~End of dream~]

When I opened up my eyes, my alarm was going off. I groggily sat up and turned my alarm off. Who was that guy?

'He's fucking sexy as hell' says my wolf Ula.

"Wait, you saw that.... and you like him too?"

'If that wasn't obvious, I don't know what is.'

I chuckled and started to get ready all the while thinking about that boy's hazel eyes. I put on a grey tank top, some dark blue jeggings, my dad's large black jacket, and some dark gray tennis shoes. I ran downstairs while putting my hair in a ponytail.

For some reason, my wolf was really excited. I walked into the kitchen and stopped in my tracks. The same time Ula said 'mate', I muttered "hell no."

Everyone in the kitchen greeted me in some way shape or form except my mate. Yes, my 'mate', Maxwell. Ugghhhhhh. He looked at me at first very surprised, then he smirked a little. So I did the only thing I could do.

Eat breakfast.

I can't really handle or think about any heavy emotional things until I've eaten breakfast ya know?

He, on the other hand, looked like he was plotting something for a minute then he cleared his face of all emotion and continued talking with the alpha of his and my pack.

Then my slightly oblivious dad said, "Today we are celebrating my daughter's 18th birthday. So you can bring your pack over to celebrate and find their mates." I almost choked on my cereal.

Damn it! I thought I would at least get a break from him on my birthday but noooo. I sighed, finished my breakfast, nodded at the alpha's in the room, then dragged my grumpy friends, Chloe and Miguel, with me outside.

They were about to ask about my stare down with Maxwell until I just shook my head.

"Can we just go to school?"

Miguel nodded.

"We can, I'm just going to go pick up Naomi first." So we all jumped in the car and went her temporary place.


When we got to school, I told them I had to do something. They understood that just needed some space so Chloe went with some other pack members and Miguel stayed with his mate. I went inside to an empty classroom, sat against a wall and rubbed my face. Then Ula asked 'why do you hate Maxwell? Not saying that he's awesome or anything but you don't talk or think about your childhood much.'

Of course, my wolf wouldn't know since she's only been with me for a few years.

"Well, I didn't always hate him. When we were younger Miguel, Chloe, Maxwell, and I were friends. We always played together. Usually unsupervised. The reason I don't really know why. Anyway, he was kind of our leader. He stopped me and Chloe from fighting and he tried to do everything as fair as possible." I said with a small smile.

I looked at the ceiling and continued, "But then near the end of elementary school, he started teasing me. Excessively. I don't really mind the teasing even if he stupidly did call me fat, short, and' too black'. I'm like come on I can't get that fat being a werewolf and all but it affected me for a while. Of course, it got worse during the first year of middle school. That was when he started calling Chloe a fat dumb Asian and kept telling Miguel that his parents killed themselves because they hated him and couldn't stand knowing that he was their son."

"To me though, he had his friends hold me while he whipped, cut and punched me and I couldn't do anything about it. The only reason I couldn't was that he commanded me not to with his alpha voice." Since alpha's get their shifting powers early the alpha voice and presence came with it. He just decided to try it on me.

"He would beat me relentlessly and tell me to not tell any adults and that I had to cover the marks he gave me."

I sighed deeply and looked toward the classroom door with unseeing eyes.

"The only good about this is that my parents did not try to kill another alpha's son and that Miguel and Chloe didn't get involved since I listened. I was also lucky since my brother wasn't an adult yet."

'You call that lucky?'

"If keeping my parents safe from one of the top 5 packs in the country is not lucky, I don't know what is. My parents back then were not as calm as they are now. I'm pretty sure they would have tried their best to kill him if they found out. Besides, since my brother was not an adult I told him and Maxwell stopped talking to me altogether. The summer of 6th grade was the last time I saw him too."

I stretched my arms and stared at the ceiling, looking at my hands." After he left though, I trained. Just so I can beat his ass before he can even give me an order with his alpha tone. Although now I think I'm strong enough to break free from it without fighting."

My wolf was quiet for a while. Then she said, "I understand now that we don't need that pitiful boy as a mate." I chuckled as she said that and got up. I was about to leave when the last person I wanted to see walked in kissing Ashley.

They obviously didn't see me and I was about to just leave when he smelled me. He snapped his head up towards me, looked me up and down then smirked and kissed her again. I rolled my eyes and went to class while my wolf tried to pretend she wasn't hurt. I, on the other hand, was fine. Just tired.

I sighed and almost walked into my class when I got dragged into another empty classroom nearby. I knew who it is by the sparks. I looked at him annoyed.

"What do you want Maxwell?"

He smirks, pushes me up against a wall and kisses me. All within four seconds. I'm so surprised I almost didn't notice him starting to put his hand down my pants. I grabbed his hand, shook his face off mine and repeated my question noticeably withholding a growl.

"Using what's mine of course." I push him away.

"I don't remember being yours ass wipe."

"You were always mine. Though now you're my mate. I'll just use you how I like then reject you later."

I growled and pushed him into a wall.

"Either you reject me now or don't bother me." I kneed him in the balls then walked to class leaving him on the ground groaning.

Hiiiiiii Sorry for updating late. Kinda busy. Anyway, I need comments so I know if you like it or anything else really. Bye :)

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