1.New Kids

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The bell rings and I wake up screaming. Perfect! Now everyone is staring at me, but I just get my stuff and head to 4th block.

My name is Annaliese Chase. I'm a 17 yr old girl who everyone thinks is weird but just because I'm from Georgia and so therefore I have a country accent. I have red hair and crystal blue eyes and I'm a little bit on the short side, 5'3.

I moved to California last year and luckily we didn't move to a big town I also tan well so that's a plus.

"Hey Annaliese!" Says my best friend Sammy as I walk into 4th. Sammy's just one of those guys you can't live with out. He's tall, very cute, smart, funny, and has the greenest eyes I have ever seen.

"Hey Sam, whats up?"

"Eh nothing. Heard about you waking up screaming in 3rd again."

"Jeez! I can't believe how fast news travels here."

I'm 'bout to say something else but Mr. Smith walks in and tells us to take our seats.

I take my seat in the back next to the hottest guy in this town but downside he's a complete jerk so I don't even try to speak to him.

"Hey Hick. Can I borrow your homework from last night?" He asks as I sit down.

"I know I told you not to call me that!" I whisper angrily, "and no you may not borrow my homework. You should've done yours."



"Mr. Andrews, Ms. Chase! I would appreciate it if you two would finish your discussion after class! Thank you." Mr. Smith says.

Mr. Smith starts talking about the War of 1812, which I learned about in Georgia. I pull out my Ipod and start listening to "My Kinda Party" by Jason Aldean.

I'm 'bout to fall asleep when the bell for school to end finally rings. I rush out the door before Mr. Smith can catch me to talk about my disruption with Kyle Andrews. Do not wanna talk to either of them.

I head towards my car after going to my locker. Unfortunately Kyle has the parking space next to me and apparently he gave Mr. smith the slip too.

He has his back towards me so I try and sneak past him but, sadly, he sees me. When he turns around to fully face me I suddenly get the feeling that I am NOT going to like this next conversation. Usually this means he's 'bout to start acting all pervish.

"Hey Bumpkin," he says with this huge grin and leans against my car, "how about you come over to my house later. I'm having a party."

"Um yea no thanks. I'm already going to the bonfire at the beach which I'm sure will be a hell of a lot more fun than your party." I say giving him an evil look. "Sorry."

As I start to open the door Kyle slams it shut and puts his arms on either side of me leaning all up in my personal space, "Come on Bumpkin it'll just be a party for you and me," he says with a mischievous grin.

"Only in yo-"

He kissed me! YUCK!!

I try to shove him away but he pins my arms to my sides, and so I go to knee him but all of a sudden he's gone and I see Sammy running towards us with a worried/pissed off look on his face. I look around to see what happened to Kyle and I see that this guy has Kyle's arm twisted behind his back with him shoved on the hood of his truck whispering very angrily to him, though he spoke to low to for me to hear what he was saying.

"Annaliese are you OK?" Sammy asks as he gets there, "Oh Hun your shaking, what did he do?" Did I mention that Sammy's gay? Well he is but I still live him like a brother.

"Yea I'm fine all he did was kiss me," I say with a shaky grin. To be honest I thought he was gonna try to do more, "Thanks Sammy."

Sammy's 'bout to say something but Kyle gets set free then.

"You better watch your back you bitch!" Kyle says as he gets in his truck and drives away.

I turned to see who had saved me from Kyle and I was speechless! This guy was HOT! He had shaggy, dirty blonde hair, he was tall, tan, with ice blue eyes, and he was muscular. But he looked familiar though I'm not really for sure.

"Thanks sooo much for saving my girl from being even more sexually assaulted." Sammy says.

"You're welcome." He says with a deep sexy voice, "It was no problem to save your girlfriend here."

"Oh no he's not my boyfriend."

"Oh no she's not my girlfriend, I'm gay." Me and Sammy said at the same time.

"Oh I'm sorry I didn't know."

"Hey it's cool, but anyways thanks," I say 'cause I realized I hadn't thanked him yet. "I'm Annaliese and this is Sammy. What's your name?"

"My name's Xander."

"So Xander are you new here?" I ask. I don't know why I just noticed this but he seems uncomfortable talking, I guess he likes solitude.

"Yes. My brother and I just moved here and we just registered at this school."

As I'm 'bout to say something else a mustang pulls up next to us and and a guy who looks exactly like Xander, except his eyes are grey, yells, "Xander get your ass in this fucking car before I leave it here!" This guy looks severely pissed.

I looked back at Xander and I could've sworn his eyes flashed red.

"I've got to go. Bye." And with that he was gone.

"OK Hun I don't they are very nice guys especially the one we didn't meet. Brad!" Sammy yells when he sees his boyfriend coming our way.

"Hey babe," Brad says with a smile and a kiss. Brad's shorter than Sammy and very cute, with beach blond hair. "Hey Annaliese." He says and hugs me.

"Hey Brad." I say with a smile, "We still going shopping later?"

"Well duh! But first I have errands to do so I'll meet you and Sammy at the mall OK?"

"Ok that works." I say as me and Sammy get in my car.

I start the car and Sammy and I start jamming out to "Party Rock Anthem" by LMAO.


Author's note:

This aint very important but the girl on the cover isn't the actual picture of the girl. I'll try to get it up later. And I am also not gonna have a cast. Just pictures of what they look like and random pics of things.

<3 Ayla Rena :)

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