Undertaker X Reader part 3

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A/N: aww last part😢

Your pov...

After Undertaker explained the whole 'shinigami' thing to me which took almost an hour, he decided on the conclusion.

"So my dear, I have ended to the conclusion that your body is totally dead because of your deep wound and because you stayed drowning on the river for 2 hours, but, the shinigami didn't killed your soul, which means your soul is alive and still inside of that body which takes control of it. You're a zombie with a soul. The reason why you can still move. How interesting." He explained chuckling.

I was dumbfounded and speechless.

How can this happen to me?

"Well... You see.. I can't just go back to the mansion scaring the shit out of my family...so uhmmm...can you..let me stay for a while and I'll think of a way to solve this?" I asked a bit embarassed while looking at him.

"Why, sure your majesty! May I have the pleasure to put you in one of my specialized coffins?" He answered while entwining his fingers.

"Thank you for your kindness Mr. Undertaker, but may I clear what do you mean when you said you'll put me in your coffin?" I asked with another poker face.

"My, my. The princess was rather interested in my statement. Well, since you are a noble, I grant you the permission to rest in peace in one of my specialized coffins here. Fufufufu~" he replied amused.

"You sure are funny, Undertaker-san." I said with a smile.

"Eh? But I'm not joking your majesty." He answered seriously.





Three weeks had past since I've stayed with the Undertaker.

I helped him with making the corpses beautiful. Whenever the sun is up, I did rest in peace in one of his specialized coffins since I don't really sleep.

We had fun times together and he helps me think and try different things to solve my problem.

I felt like I had a true friend for once in my life.

I felt free from the royalties and especially, free from killing...

One day, the undertaker examined my wound.

Seeing that it had improved and the skin was finally growing made both of us surprised.

"Yes, my dear?"
"What was that strange liquid that you keep putting in my wound every night?" I asked confused since it might be the reason why my wound healed.

"It's blood, my dear." He answer with a giggle which made my eyes widen in surprise.

"What?! Blood? Who's blood?" I asked.

"My blood, your majesty." He replied with his signature creepy smile.

"W-why?" I asked.

"Since you know that I'm a shinigami, it would be a little easy to explain to you, my dear. My blood flows with eternal life which gives us a long long life. That's why, your wound is slowly healing." He replied.

"Undertaker-san. Thank you very much for everything. You even sacrificed your blood in the first place to heal my wound. You even rescued me and let me live here. Thank you so much but, why are you helping me?" I asked in confusion.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2016 ⏰

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