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get it in right order. Nothing new

"Recap Epic Dance Party WOO HOO!

Jason POV.

"Here goes nothing." Seto says. I take a deep breath, and kick down the door. A horrible odor over comes me. I Cant take it. It smells to much like "That Night." I look over and see Mitch gagging and Seto about to faint. I take a peek inside and thats when I lose it all............















Seto POV

" Oh My Notch!" I cry out. The stench. I dont understand. Where is it coming from? Before I can do anything, I see Jason keel over, passed out.

"Oh...Oh..Oh My Notch!"

I look over and see Mitch and Bodil looking just as confused. They saw me and shrugged their shoulders.

I kneel down, and gently shake Jason.

"Jason... Come on... Jason, Wake up. Jason. Jason. Jason!" By the end, I was nearly shouting in panic. As I continue shaking him, I feel a hand on my shoulder. I look up, and see Mitch looking at me, with pity in his eyes.

"Seto, come on. He will be fine. Let just get him out of here."

"NO!" I snap, causing them both to jump back in shock. I just couldn't. Not Jason. I hated seeing him in pain, and I knew he was in alot of it. Not just now, but all the time. I dont see why he's still with that Bitch Jennifer. None of us like her, especially me. I would ask him out, but I know he dosnt feel the same way about me.

I mean, he has all these girls falling at his feet, while as do I, but I don't feel that way about them. I pull the unconscious Jason into my lap.

"Come on Jason. Wake up. Please Jason, for me?" I mutter sweet nothings to him, while stroking his soft curls. I loved the feeling of his hair in between my fingers. He starts to mumble, and gives a startling shout.

"NO!" He cries.

"Shh, Shh Jason Its okay." I mumble.

I lean down to give him a kiss on the forehead, when I hear a cough behind me, with maniacal giggling that could only come from Bodil.

"Oh...Oh!" I jump away from Jason, my cheeks flushing a crimson red.

"Uhhm..Uhh... I..I...umm.." I stutter, unsure what to say. I knew I liked Jason, But I don't think anyone else knew. Well- Anyone up untill now.

"So Seto..." Bodil starts off- sarcastically.

"Shut up Bodil."

"I think were going to have a group discussion about this later." Mitch Stated.

"Maybe. But definatly ONLY when it's just the three of us." I said, motioning to Jason.

"Im not ready for him to know yet."

"Whatever, Lover boy." Bodil says, Jokingly.


I am flying. Thats the first thing I realize. I am flying through the air, free as anything could be. I am starting to really enjoy it, the weightlessness, when I feel it tugging at me. I fly faster, hoping to get away from it. As we battle, I can feel it winning, pulling me down. As much as I try to resist, it wins. Im pulled under, drowning in my own blood and secrets.


So many secrets.

There it is. It knows what its doing to me, and its doing it well. Making me live in my own hell. A Hell full of blood and cuts and ropes and lies and everything else. I feel a hand, a saving hand, pulling me out, before I completely drowned. On land, this hand comforts me. It strokes my hair, and rubs my back soothingly.

I cannot see where the hand leads off to, nor who it belongs to.

Out of nowhere, the hand viciously grabs me, lifting me up. It drags me back into the water, where I am forbid leave.

"NO!" I shout, trying to save myself.

The hand gives me a quick, gentle , kiss, and drops me back into the water.

I am drowning.




Drowning in this Hell I created for myself.









HEY YOU GUYS! I have a big big question- and I won't update untill I get an answer. Next chapter- Im going back to sky/Deadlox in the alt universe- BUT GOSH AM I ENJOYING WRITING SETO/JASON FANFIC. So- Big question- Do you want more focused on Seto/Jason or Skylox? I can tune either one down or up. But next chapter.... Idk. But well get back to sky and them people's.

Hey I just re updated this so it would be in the right order....

Please please please answer - I want a few opinions before updating around Monday, probably. LET ME KNOW WHATCHA THINK!

Love my Biggums-


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