Just a teaser :*

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Hey guys Mauru here with just a quick filler. Hope you enjoy. <3

Epic Recap Party
Woo. Yea. Party.

"Uhh.... guys?" Mitch calls out. "You might wanna come see this" He calls out hesitantly.

"Coming" Thê three of us chorus, making our way through the dead squids.When we enter the room, none of us really knew what we were looking at. Finally, Bodil pointed out the obvious.

"Its a portal." He stated, simply.


"And.... Its broken.He replied.

"And....What does that mean?"

"Im not really sure." He replied.


Mitch POV in real world thingie...yea. words.

"Do you think.. They're in there?" I ask, referring to the portal.

"The nether?"

"I don't think they are in the nether." Look at the portal. Its not made of obsidian." Seto points out.

For the first time, I actually look at the portal. Seto's right. Instead of pure black rock, the portal is made out of what seems like marble, stained a dark black with red streaks woven within it.

I reach out and feel the strange stone. Instead of hitting hard rock that crumbles under your fingers, I feel a surprisingly smooth surface.

"Guys, feel this."

As the three of them make their way over to the portal, tripping over decaying squid bodies, I study the rock a little closer. I notice that the red streaks are almost.....glowing. Its almost like they're alive.

Soon, I see Seto's hand rests next to mine, and then Jason's hand next to his, with their hands overlapping in the slightest bit. A blush slowly creeps over Seto's face, and I grin mischievously.

I hear Bodil in the background start making kissing noises, and the both the boys quickly drop their hands and stare at the ground.

"Bodil" I hiss, glaring at him. "Shut. Up."

"What?" He says, giggling. "I was just-

"Maybe we should mine it." Seto says, interrupting Bodil, who was still giggling. "Does anyone have a diamond pickaxe?"

I quickly rummage through my bag, and I spot the unmistakable shiny, blue glint of diamond.

"Yea, I got one. Here." I say, tossing it over to Seto. He catches it easily, and begins to mine. Within seconds, the smooth stone bursts, and instead of crumbling away, lava slowly starts to spill out of it, making its signature hissing noise as it creeps downwards.

Before any of us can process this, Seto starts crying out in pain. He tumbles backwards, and almost crashes into me. Quickly, my arms shoot out to catch him, bracing for the sudden impact. As he lands, Jason throws a bucket of water onto us, putting out the fire that had caught onto Seto's cape.

"Thanks Mitch. And you too Jason." He said craning his neck to look at Jason. "

Gathering his strength, Seto stands back up.

"Welp, looks like im going to need a new cape. "Seto grumbles."
"But the good news is, I might have some information on this stone back at my house. Maybe we can figure out where to find it so we can fix the portal."

We all nod in agreement, and trudge our way back to Seto's house.

Le Magical time skip

As we enter Seto's house, I admire how many books and gadgets he has. I always try not to touch anything, in fear of breaking it.

"Allright guys, Ill be back in a second, make yourselves at home."

We all scramble to get a seat, patiently awaiting Seto to come back. After a few thumps and a large crash, Seto appears carrying a large book.

"Here we are. A book of every single block in Minecraft. If this block isn't in here, well, I really wouldn't know what to say'

We all sigh. "It better be in there." Jason says under his breath.

After what seemed like an hour, Seto lets out a cry and we all jump.

"I found it! Its called.... Omni-Quartz. Hm. It says its formed when lava and water combine at such an intense speed, the lava dosnt have time to cool down all the way, so when the obsidian is formed, it gets trapped in the stone."

"Wow." I say.

"That sounds... intense." Bodil says with a grimace.

"But the good news is..," Seto starts.
"Its found in ocean biomes, and there's a pretty large one just a couple of miles from here."

"Sounds reasonable.' Jason muses.

"And the bad news,.." Seto hesitates.

"Come on! Tell us!" Bodil yells.

"Thê bad news is that this isnt a naturally spawning block. It was created by underwater creatures."

"And what does that mean?"

Seto pauses a second before answering.

"It means it can only be obtained from a squids base."

Hey guys! Mauru here and im looking for someone to do a cover for this book. Idc what it has on it, preferably something with TC. Also, it has to have the name "Into the Portal" on it. I will shout you out, follow, and dedicate a chapter to you if you create one for me!

~With much love,

Wobbies gonna wob

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2014 ⏰

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