And now they meet part 2

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I walk up to the sign in desk in the ER, and swiftly sign my the clipboard that have on the desk. Thê Lady checks me in and told me it could be up to an hour wait, considering how I wasn't in too bad of condition. I sit down, bored, and pick up a magazine. I was starting to read an article on red stone when I heard a loud crash. I look up, and see a group of six all crowded around this one guy on a stretcher. They were all frantically shouting directions at the nurses who were running around in a frenzy. I look, and see that its actually Jason and his crew ! Team crafted, or whatever. Finally, the crowd parts and I get a good look at the guy who created all these problems. Hey-wait. Wasn't that the new guy they had? I chuckle to myself. Idiot. They start to wheel him away when I have a flashback. Its very fuzzy, but I clearly remember calling out "Sky!" ad seeing a guy who looked extremely like New Fool.Maybe this is the guy who has been haunting my nightmares.


I turn and look, and see a nurse calling my name. Finally.


After I felt myself being drug ashore, I completely passed out. I wasn't sure how long I was out, but as soon as I woke up I knew I wasn't alone. My vision blurred.

"He-Hello?" I ask my room-mate, who didn't look to messed up except for a cast on his left leg. Me on the other hand, well, my damage was much worse. As I thought about it, I realized I had no idea why I was even in here. I did a quick memory check. Squids? Still hate em'. Budder? Still love it. I remember going through the portal, meeting the guys, but not much else. Eh. I shrugged. In the middle of my internal monologue, I realize I am being watched by two Dark Brown eyes. My room mate.

"Hi! My name's Sky, whats yours?" I thought it was weird that he had almost all his body and head covered by a blanket, but I didn't mind.

"Sky? D-did you say your name was Sky?" My room mate asks.

"Yea, whats your name?" I ask, again.

"I think I know you somehow." My room mate responds

"But, I don't know why, or even who you are."

"Okay.." I respond, slightly creeped out. I let out a choked laugh.

"But it might help if you tell me your name."

Right as I said that, a pretty nurse comes in.

"Oh good, I see your both awake." She walks in and checks my room mates vitals, then writes something down on a clip board. She takes my vitals, and tells me Im going to need to rest more in a sitting position. She walks over to me, and mechanically transforms my bed into a chair. (Idk wut those bed thingies are called lol) Before she does anything, almost half of team crafted tramples into the room, loudly talking and chattering. She quiets the boys, and quickly explains to them what she needs to do. I give them a quick wave as she inserts the needle containing anesthetics, and almost immediately my head starts to droop. Before I completely slip away, I hear my room- mates heart monitor go insane. I can hear the boys mumble as they try to move out of the nurses way. One of the nurses calls out his name and I finally realize who my room mate is, but before I can respond the last tendrils of sleep pull me under.

Eh, you can probably guess who his room mate is, but you could be wrong :D depends. I need to ask you guys a question, do you prefer short chapter/quick updates or long chapter/long updates? im not sure which you guys like better and like I said Mah watty broke but I fixed it.

No more notes, Surprisingly except for THANK YOU FOR 2.7 K READS! I LOVE YOU ALL!

Love Mah Baccas!

xx- Ali

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