Old friends

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I wake up deep in a cave. Where am I?

Eh, screw squids. Not like I would want to do that anyways.

I explore around a little bit. After a while, I come across a chest. I open it up and there was barely any thing in there. There was a few sticks, some logs, an apple, and a picture. I take a look at it.What? Its a picture of me and deadlox, when we first met. I grabbed it an ran quickly. I wanted out of here as fast as I could. I didnt want to meet the blood thirsty fan who dug that up. Something weird was going on here.

I wander around for a while, until I reach a village. It looks familiar, But everything is slightly off. Its my home village, but everything is a shade darker. It has an uneasy feeling to it. I walk up to the local store.

"Hey Mr. O'Connor!" I call out, waving. I always go to him if any of my amour needs reparing.

"Whaddya want, kid?" He snarls.

"uhh... nothing, just saying hi..."

"Get kid. Scram, Before I call secruity."

He pulls out a sword. I run out of there as quick as I can. I turn around to see if Im being chased, and I bump into a figure. We both fall to the ground. I jump up quickly and apologize.

"Hey, are you Okay? Im soo soo sorry. Really.. Hey, Jason... Is that you? Hey Buddy!"

I help him up and pull him into a hug.

"Woah, woah there." He pushes me away, and I stumble in surprise.

Jason, do you know him?" Fluffly asks,

"Hah, good one fluffly. Is this revenge for the TNT prank?" I ask.

"How do you know my name?"

"Uhhh... Its me. Sky. Adam? SkydoesMinecraft?"

"Who the hell are you?"

"Come on! Were friends, right Kermit?"

"Uhh, I dont know you." well that stings.

"Look kid," Jason starts. "We dont know you. Do you just want an autograph? Then you can go show all your little friends that you met me and my crew. How does that sound?" He smiles, offering me a signed picture of them all,

"Jason? Fluffly? Come on! Bodil? Mudkipz? Dont you guys remember all the maps we did together? All the Hunger games? Any of it? Hey.... Hey.. Where.... wheres Deadlox?

"Who?" Quentin asks.

"You know, Ty, Deadlox, does any of it ring a bell?" I ask, worried, remembering the horrible picture the squids showed me. "Is he okay?"

"Look man, We dont know who you are or who the hell your talking about. Can you just leave us alone please?'

'Please, Please just hear me out. please. "

"Allright." Jordan groaned. "But make it quick."

I explained to them the story, from our friendship to the squids to deadlox and then to the portal, and now me waking up in the cave.

"Please guys, Remember me! Im In love with budder, I do epic jump maps, and it is EGG!! Ryan? Splavacado? How about cops and robbers? I ate the palm tree and got arrested? I hate squids, and these sun glasses and runescape outfit?

"You are making all of this up"

"No, you dont remember any of this?

Jason and I get into a small argument when finally Bodil speaks up.

"Has any one else Noticed the amulet he has?'

"I did, and Im wondering if its a seeker amulet?" Kermit wonders.

"No youu dumbass, Its one of ours." Bodil says, smacking Kermit.

"hey would you look at that, it is. And its not stolen, because there are only 8 in existnce. Or so I thought. Jason says.

"How do we know its not fake?" Fluffly asks.

" I know a real diamond when I see one, fluffy. And this is as real as it gets."

"See, I told you guys! Bodil giggles his ridiculas laugh. He must know us from somewhere!" He yells.

"Thank you Bodil. " I sigh a sigh of relief. Someone believes me.

"Allright, even if you are one of us, we still dont know who you are. If we do let you in our clan, we have to get to know you first. This will take time." SSundee says.

"Alright, lets get started." I didnt care how long this takes, I was happy to get my friends back. But one thing stayed on my mind the entire time.

Where Is deadlox?



Hey Guys! Im Baaaaaack! and guess what? Im leaving again! Last camp. I leave this sunday, and come home next saturday. And what can I say, WOW!!!. I come home form camp, and almost 100 reads! Thats amazing! So, when I come home from camp next saturday can have that 100? And maybe 5 likes and comments? Then, youll get an extra special update. Maybe.. two a day? or.. an extra long chapter? Maybe some guest appereances? If you vote and comment you name, Ill put you in the next chapter or so.

Thanks- Mauru

Through the portal.  (Skylox and others story)Where stories live. Discover now