Into Le Portal

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LAWL! No Answers for you. We're going back to Jason's/Seto/ Mitch/Bodil POV. Do you guys want anymore besides these guys? Lemme know if you are interested in other youtubers POV

Le Jason POV

I remain in dreamland until I cant stay in denial anymore. Slowly but surely, my heartbeat speeds back up, my eyes flutter, and I start twitching. Eventually, I start coughing. I start to fall back asleep when-


Something cold, wet, and slimy explodes into my face, and I start to violently choke and gasp.

"Breath Jason! Breath!" Mitch calls, pounding on my back.

After I am finally able to get all the water out of my system, I look up, and see three pairs of eyes staring at me.

Before I can get a word out, Seto speaks up.

"Jasonareyouokay?" He asks, breathless.

"Yea, Im.....fine." I sputter. "What happ-"

"SETO HAS SOMETHING TO TELL YOU" Bodil screeches, laughing hysterically. Strangely, Mitch starts to physically beat the Bulgarian, while Seto stands frozen, his pale face turning redder every second. Mitch drags Bodil away from us, and I see that they are having a serious conversation. Bodil keeps trying to argue back, and eventually Mitch snaps.


A loud slap rang across the yard.

Mitch's screams brought Seto out of his trance. He looks at me, alarmed.

"What is going on here?" I question.

"Nothing" Seto finally says. "You passed out for a few minuets, and I just gave you a potion to help you wake up. Nothing else." He says, glaring at Mitch and Martin.

"Besides." Seto continues. "We still have Adam and Ty to worry about.

"Yea... Do we know anything new?" I ask.

A chorus of "No's" and "Nope's" rang out within the group.

I start to stand, and Mitch and Bodil help me up. With another potion of healing, I am completely healed.

Bodil walks up to open the door, which sadly, was locked. "Come on!" He shouts, kicking the door.

"Okay team. We can figure this one out. Before Seto can finish, Mitch takes off.

"FOR THE HUNGER DEANS!" He shouts, crashing into the door and breaking it into shards.

"That....That was awesome! Power Moves only baby." Mitch continues in, and the rest of us look at each other, and shrug. We slowly climb in through the hole in the door, amazed at the total and utter destruction laid out before us.

"This smells.. rank." Mitch says, to no one in particular.

We all stared at the scene before us, trying to take it all in. Mitch, being a little more adventurous, started to wander through Adams house.

There were dead squids and body parts laying around the building. Some of them laying in pools of blood, not always their own. Their cold, glazed over dead eyes stares at me, pleading to me to save them.

"Sorry" I whisper silently.

Bodil started to wander throughout the house.

"Hey, its hard to tell... but I think this is Adams room....Isnt it? He called from somewhere in the house.

"Yea, I think it is" I say.

We poke around the room, and find nothing else in there. Soon, we stumble into another room, which has a wooden chair, ropes, and a tv monitor, and a budder sword sitting in the corner.

Since none of us really knew what else to do, we started to wander around the house again.

"Uhh.... guys?" Mitch calls out. "You might wanna come see this" He calls out hesitantly.

"Coming" Thê three of us chorus, making our way through the dead squids.When we enter the room, none of us really knew what we were looking at. Finally, Bodil pointed out the obvious.

"Its a portal." He stated, simply.


"And.... Its broken.He replied.

"And....What does that mean?"

"Im not really sure." He replied.


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