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Just how I wanted life to continue. Crappy. This whole month has been hell for me. All this is, is hell. Drama everywhere. Because of me. I should be grateful that Shawn's back and here.

I love him. I always have. He's my best friend for a reason. We're a lot alike. I shouldn't have thrown harsh words at him. I'm sure he's got better things to do than be hurt by his own friend.

I guess being hurt so many times while he was gone, has really affected me. I really needed him here when crap happened to me. Now, I don't know what triggers me.

The Jack's and Sammy knows what I went through. They helped me as best they could. It's just not the same as when you have your best friend there for you like they always have been.

Samantha and JC came and got the girls while I stayed in Shawn's lap. Quiet as a mouse. Just looking at him and thinking of his song Never Be Alone. That one is my all time favorite. I always listen to it when I feel like I need him.

"Shawn, I'm sorry. I really am. I just don't know about life anymore. What's it worth? I went through a stage of cutting because of all the pain, and mom was never home. When Sammy and I were dating and he found out, he literally had Johnson and Gilinsky go through the house and collect all the blades just to force me to stop. He stayed with me for a week, postponing his tour, just so he could make me feel better. Ever since I- Crap happened, mom doesn't consider how I feel or why I do what I do," I said quietly and kept my eyes on the floor.

"What 'crap' happened?" He asked. "Why'd you cut?"

"Mom had kinda sent me off for some sort of behavioral correctional. There, they tested on me for some reason I don't understand. I was there for a year. There wasn't anything wrong with me. I didn't get in trouble since our episode on the day before you left. Then when I got out, I had to go through hell and back with mom never being home because she was busy being up her boyfriends ass. She didn't come home a full year after I got out. When she finally decided to, it was a few days at a time. She knew I was home. So I had to get jobs and pay bills. And then being forgotten by you, seeing you be so happy with the guys, hurt and made me jealous. Then today- I don't even know," I said all in one breath.

"The being tested on- The dudes were trying to make an invincible human. Cause they stupid and crazy desperate. At first they thought I was a fail, but the nimrods weren't doing something right. Until a week after injecting me. Then I was stronger and didn't think. I just did without thinking. They told mom that it was a special medicine that would make me a better kid. One more... Respectable. One that never acted out. I was in pain and misery from a bunch of douchebags. Then I got sent to a lab to be fixed, but it didn't work out that way so I was deactivated and sent back here."

It was silent for ten minutes when the guys decided to bear hug me. I couldn't help but tear up.

"You could've called me, Blake," Shawn whispered in my ear.

"She tried to man. Everyday. Then Jack and I would have to help Sammy make her happy if he couldn't completely do it. We hated seeing her hurt. And with you changing your number a lot, we couldn't be any help for that," Gilinsky said.

"Oh yeah... Sorry Keat. How about I make it up to you?" He asked.

"How?" I asked.

He walked to my closet, pulled out the spray paint, looked at me and shook it up with a smirk. "How about we show these boys some fun?"

I immediately jumped up, pulled out my paintball gun, and shot him. He laughed and pulled out my specially built hose to spray the paint. Then he sprayed me with it.

I pointed at the chest at the foot of my bed. "Paintball guns!"

The guys ran and pulled out my guns. "OUTSIDE!!!" We all shouted and ran out.

We ran through town having a paint war. Everyone looked at is disapprovingly. A hour and a half into war, an officer walked by and stopped us.

"What are you kids doing?" He asked.

"Just having a bit of fun, officer Dash," I answered.

"With paintball guns in town?" He asked. "I'm truly disappointed with you, Keaton and Shawn."

"Sorry Dash. We just needed a reminder of why we were best friends. And to introduce the boys to our other side," Shawn said.

"Well ain't that sweet! How about you two and these fine group of paint covered boys do a show for us tonight? The town missed you dearly Shawn. And we all know Keaton has. I haven't seen her so full of happiness since before you left. We've never even seen Aaliyah an Keat get along for a day to go shopping," Dash said.

"Wait. Blake and Aaliyah went shopping?" Shawn asked.

"To keep their minds off of missing you. They both said they realized hating each other won't bring you back home, so they had a day to get along. As girls. You should've seen the pure joy on their faces," Dadh said with a proud smile. "From then, on every holiday, Keaton bought Magcon or your merch and gave it to her."

"So Dash! About that show... I actually can't. I have to visit the town over. Maybe the guys can," I said.

I'm not ashamed of getting along with Aaliyah. I just know Shawn will ask me about it. Me and her have never gotten along. She felt as if I were stealing her brother from her.

"Sure. We'll do it," the guys shrugged.

He walked off proudly and Shawn looked at me. "So... You and Aaliyah got along?" He asked with a smirk.

I, oh so flatly with the straightest face ever, shot him with a paintball on his chest. Then I turned and walked off. Paint covers my favorite outfit. Oh well.

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