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  I've got Blake back. Why can't she just accept that we're always going to find a way back to each other? I'll always be her best friend no matter what she says.

  Now we're on the tour bus. She locked herself in her room, ignoring me. I could hear the strumming of her guitar and the melodic sound of her voice. I've loved her music the second I heard it.

  I pay attention to the words, the beat, and how much feeling she puts into every song she sings. They're all beautiful. Her songs.

  I've missed having the girl that always got in trouble with me. If one of us got in trouble, we were damn sure we both did.

  I walked to her door and knocked. "Blake?"

  No answer.

"Please talk to me Keaton."


"I'm coming in."

  I opened the door and saw her sitting on her bed with her guitar in her lap. She reached over and started scribbling what I assume to be lyrics, onto sheet paper.

  She finally looked up at me with no readable expression. "How do I politely ask a person to leave me alone if I don't want them bothering me?"

"Blake please give me a chance to apologize and explain," I plead.

"One. Minute. Then I'll decide whether I believe you or not," she sighed.

  I sat by her and told her exactly what happened, why it happened, and why I didn't tell her. In the end, she laid her head on my shoulder. She had set her guitar to the side and hugged my arm.

"So you're telling me Carter was innocent and I completely blew him off as guilty?" She asked.

"Pretty much," I shrugged. She slapped my arm rather hard and covered her face.

"I'm horrible!" She cried.

"Just a little. But aren't we all?" I chuckled.

"You're not helping, Shawn!" She cried harder.

  Damn. This pregnancy is messing with her.

"Blake you're not horrible. You just weren't informed correctly. It's fine," I said.





3 Weeks Later

  Shawn and I have been getting along. Sort of. I guess. If you count not killing each other as getting along.

  We argue over the stupidest of things. I swear we can be so childish. On the better hand, we're in Canada.

"MUFFIN!!!" I squealed and jumped on his bed. Right beside his sleeping body.

  No movement.






  Still. Nothing.

  Oh my freaking goodness!


  What? Gotta try something.

  I was immediately pulled into his chest in a strong, yet gentle, hold.

"What'd you call me?" Shawn asked gruffly.

"I called you Muffin, Marshmallow, your full name, and a bitch. We're here Shawn. I wanted you awake," I answered innocently.

  He nestled his face in my shoulder and sighed. "Five more minutes."

"No can do BooBoo. We, meaning you, gots to get up NOW," I said and squirmed to sitting back up.

"Fine," he groaned and sat up.

  I moved over and started swinging my legs from over the side of the bed like a little kid.

"You gonna sit there and watch me dress?" He asked.

  He's in basketball shorts and a muscle tee.

"Oh yeah," I said and walked out.

  Smart me already dressed. I'm in white skinny jeans, a British shirt, white Vans, and a white beanie.

  Shawn walked out in denim jeans, a black shirt, leather jacket, and grey Converse. His hair in its natural quiff.

"It time?" He asked.

"Yup. So lesgo slowpoke!" I rushed and pulled him out by his arm.

"There you two are!" Toby exclaimed.

"Sorry. Sleeping Beauty here didn't want to wake up," I said, referring to Shawn.

"Well get ready. You two are on in five minutes," he sighed.

"Crap," I squeaked.

  We rushed to get out ear pieces and water; then, when time came, walked on stage.





  After finishing the last song, I noticed something. I looked over backstage and saw Samantha, JC, Houston, KB, Khylie, and Alexius.

  The girls... They've grown up so much... My siblings, they look so mature. They look older. Shawn must've noticed because he nodded at me.

  I ran backstage and immediately pulled my family into a hug.

"I'm so sorry I never visited, never said goodbye, or even told y'all why I was leaving," I cried.





  Best four hour concert ever.

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