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"Thanks a lot guys! I knew bringing you three was going to be a mistake!" Shawn yelled at Taylor, Carter, and me.

"Shawn, calm down. All she needs is time to think. Cameron stayed in case she needs to vent. She'll be fine with him," Matt said.

  Cameron? Seriously? She goes to him? What the hell happened at the hospital?

"Of course he did. Because he held her a few times, she'll instantly go to him instead of me," Shawn hissed.

  What the hell Cameron?!

"Dude, calm down," Gilinsky said to me.

"No need to shout," Johnson agreed.

"You. Have. No. Chance. With. Her. If. Your. Life. Depended. On. It!" Shawn sounded out.

"Just because she picked Cameron over you, doesn't mean you can get pissy with me," I bit out coldly.

"Guys, calm down. Keaton just needs time to think. She'll calm down," Aaron said.

"Fuck off, Aaron!" I yelled.

"I'm just trying to help," he stated.

"Oh yeah sure. Cause you so care. You're so capable of doing shit. Piss off and shut the hell up," I growled.

"Hamilton Nash Grier. Don't speak to him, your own friend, like that. Sam, Aaron, Johnson, Gilinsky, Hayes, and Matt; y'all can come with me if you would like." Keaton said from behind. Her eyes were empty and cold. "Y'all four can rot in hell for all I care. Cause I was so naive for thinking y'all weren't pigs."

  They walked away and left us devastated. Even Cam was by her side.

  What's happening to us? Did we seriously get so wrapped up in a girl that she was the cause of us tearing apart.

  But I really like her...


"You four can rot in hell for all I care."

  Blake's words rang in my head over and over again. See? This is what happens when you leave someone you've known since birth, don't talk to them, come back, and the first thing you do is hide stuff from them. I thought I was protecting her.


  There goes what little sanity I had left. I just disclaimed my best friend of all time over anyone.

  Where's the real Shawn when I desperately need him?

  Right now, all of us are in my room. The guys are helping me pack my things. They're going to work with me tomorrow and watch me teach boxing, then go to Hooters and quit. Afterwards, they're stuck with whoever they are, while I go to New York.

  I really hate to do this, but it's now or never. Besides, they'll still know me.

"I'm sorry for being such a dramatic brat to you guys," I said openly.

"It's fine Keat. Really. You were hurt," Sam said.





  The seven boys watched as I board the plane. My day was full of letting things go. The boys were comforting to me, and they helped a lot.

  Living a new life is going to be hard. Why is it that the one chance I get my best friend back, it turns to hell?

  Last night the guys took me to my favorite restaurant and we all cut up. That was a way I said goodbye. Goodbye to my old life, and hello to a new one. Goodbye to my family. To everything.

  I now have no choice but to say hello to Island Records. To New York. To a new life altogether. One that doesn't involve Shawn OR Nash. I have to let go of my bestfriend and my silly crush.


"Bye guys! I promise I'll see y'all again," I cried to the guys.

"BYE KEATON!!!" They shouted.

  It's official. In really leaving.





4 Years Later

"You ready, Keaton?" Toby asked.

  Toby is my amazing manager. Right now I'm leaving to go on tour with a mystery person.

  I'm kind of excited. I've been on tour with 5 Seconds of Summer, Jacob Whitesides, and Fifth Harmony. I haven't seen my family ever since I left. I've even lost contact with them. Since I live in New York, I found no reason to visit Canada anymore.

  Being 21 has made me think a little more than I would like too, but I'm still a weirdo. In my own little way. It's fun doing what I want to do.

  Happily though, Sammy and I are back together. We live together and I occasionally see the Jack's. We've been back together for three and a half years, and I'm pregnant with a Sammy Jr. 2 months along now.

"Yeah Toby. Coming," I answered and walked to my tour bus.

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