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"Is Caniff getting edgy?" I laughed.

"I just don't want you to get angry or anything," he said.

"So you are nice! And here you've been picking on me about my waddlin'," I said.

"Sorry. It's just funny!" He laughed.

"Hang on and let me hit you in your jewels so you'll be waddlin, then laugh at you," I said and smirked.

"Sorry! I promise I won't laugh at you again," he said.

  I broke out laughing along with the girls and the guys. Taylor is always going to be the guy that picks on a girl when he flirts with her, and I'm always going to be the girl to burst his perfect little bubble of trouble. That's just the way our friendship is going to be. He knows it, I know, and the guys know it.

  It went on and about of picking on me, me picking back and such for at least a good hour at most. Then I started feeling claustrophobic, so I had to excuse myself, with Matt by my side of course, and went to the side room for fresh air. Matt handed me a water bottle and a small snack, which I thanked him for, and then he sat down.

"Everything going ok?" He checked and touched my stomach.

"Yeah. Just started feeling claustrophobic from the huge crowd is all," I answered.

"You alright now though? I could open a window if you want," he offered.

"I'm good Matthew. Thanks though," I smiled and sat at the small table.

"You're welcome. As long as you and the baby are ok, then that means everyone is happy, and the baby is healthy. A healthy baby means a happy baby, and a happy baby means a happy momma," he said cheerfully.

"Truly one of a kind," I laughed.

"See? Laughter is the key," he smiled.

"Dork," I chuckled and finished off my snack.

"Excuse me miss. We were asked that anytime you come in here, to check up on you," a medic said and squatted in front of me with some equipment.

"I see. I'm doing fine," I said.

3 Hours Later

"Oh come on! Why can't I help?" I whined.

"Cause you're pregnant. You can't strain yourself. It's not good for the baby," Bart said. "Go on back to the tour bus."

"Fine," I pouted and started walking towards the door.

"I've never seen someone so disappointed about not being able to help clean," he said.

"Then today's your lucky day," I said back and exited the building.

  The second I got to the door of the tour bus, I felt my water break. I calmly got on the bus, grabbed the babies bag, changed into clean sweats, then headed back out to the building.

"Keaton, what are you doing back in here?" Nash asked.

"I've come to inform that my water just broke, so I need to get to heading to the hospital," I shrugged.

"Bart! Are those medics still here?" He shouted.

"Yeah, why?" Bart shouted back.

"Keaton's water broke!" Nash shouted.

  All the boy's stopped what they were doing and ran to me while Shawn ran for the medics. It's fun watching all of this, but these contractions are really becoming a pain in the ass.

"Come on miss. We'll take you to the hospital," a lady said. You know, I never caught these two's names.

  I followed after them, and was rushed to the hospital, where I was placed in a new room and attached to dislikeable wires. Labor is a pain. The guys showed up, but the doctor looked at me.

"Only two people and the father can be in here Ms. Weston," he said.

"Sammy said he's on his way. Five more minutes," Skate said.

"Right," I nodded. "So he's obviously going to be in here since he's the father. Then there's going to be Shawn, obviously. As well as... I... Don't know..."

"Wanna just stick with those two?" Matt offered.

"Oh hell no!" Madison said and walked in. "She needs her bestie."

"Mads!" I said happily and reached out for her.

  She hugged me and kissed my cheek. "Hey babe. How's the little one?"

"Anytime now, and he'll be in my arms. I can't wait," I said.

"Neither can I," she squealed.

"So Ms. Weston, those three are going to be in here?" Dr. Dye asked.

"Yes sir," I answered.

"For now, the others don't have to leave, but once it comes time, I'll ask everyone but the designated 3 to leave the room," he said and walked out.

"I'm so excited!" Shawn exclaimed.

"Same!" I laughed.

"How you feeling?" Cameron asked.

"Like a million dollars," I answered.

"You ready to be a mommy?" Johnson asked.

"9 months to prepare, I'd say so," I chuckled and rubbed my large stomach.

  This pregnancy has caused me to grow and mature. I know it's for the baby. My mindset is more mature and I know it is. I know I'm going to be there for my baby as much as possible.

"Hey Keat?" Gilinsky asked.

"Yeah?" I asked back.

"Are you ready to have Sammy in here?" He asked.

"I suppose so. I can't avoid him forever," I said and smiled.

"Good, cause he's right outside the door," he said.

"Let him in," I said.

  The door opened and Sammy stepped in with shades on. He lifted his head and somewhat hesitantly walked towards me. "Hey..."

"Hey. You gonna take those glasses off? It's uh... A little dark in here already," I said.

"Not right now," he mumbled.

  Johnson came up behind him and jerked the shades off his face. "Stop acting like a rock! She knows, you know, we all know!"

"Johnson..." I said.

"Right. Sorry," he said and cleared his throat.

  We spent a few minutes in silence, then I started feeling the pain as the baby was getting ready to pop out. One of the boys, I don't know which one, went to get my doctor. Seconds later they came back and everyone but the designated 3 left the room.

"Alright. Do you still want to go through this naturally?" Dr. Dye asked.

"Of course, sir," I said.

"What?! No! Keaton, that'll be painful and you could possibly die from that much pain!" Sammy exclaimed.

"I prefer natural. That's the way my momma went for me and my siblings. So that's how I'm going," I said.

"Alright then," he sighed.

"Let's get started," Dr. Dye said and adjusted everything.

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2017 ⏰

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