Chapter 4

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"What?" Lucy asked Troian suprised. "Anthony is back in LA, we saw him on street. He asked about you Lucy, he wanted to surprise you." Troian respond while looking at me and Lucy. "Oh damn, well I have to find him and break up.. but he can't hear from someone else that me and Ian are together, so Ian and I can't be seen cuddling off set." She said while taking my hand. I nodd at her and squesse softly in her hand. She smiles at me.

"You guys are so cute!" Ashley said while smiling at us. "We know." I joke and Lucy kissed my cheek.
"I love you Goose." I whisper in her ear. I look at her pretty smile when I say those words, "I love you Shmian." She whisperd back.

A few hours later

We just eaten our Chinese food, it was delicous. We walk to the cinema, I really want too take Lucy's hand, but her (other) boyfriend is in town. We buy our tickets for the movie, "Do you want too split a popcorn, Luce." I already know the answer, she always says 'no.'
Lucy is a beautiful girl, she is really skinny and I think she looks so amazing but she also will with more weight. "Yes." She suprised me with her answer. I smile at her "Sweet or salt?" "Uhm, both?" She ask while giggling at me. "A big popcorn, sweet and salty." I ask the guy at the bar, he stares at Lucy. I smile at my beautiful girl she sees it and she kissed soft my lips. I see in my peripheral vision, the guy at the bar looking at the ground. Good. I chuckle against her lips and kiss her lips gently back. I pull back and take the popcorn from the guy and give him the money.

Anthony POV

Tomorrow I'm gonna surprise my girl; Lucy. She is a pretty, rich actrice who I'm dating. I'm standing for the cinema, I was a long time in Spain but I got an holiday so I went back home. I really want too see a American movie. So I walk into the cinema to watch one. I look around, just when I want to turn around to buy my ticket I recognize a face: Ian Harding. He act with Lucy in Pretty little liars, he plays her boyfriend. I see him kissing a short, brunette and I think it is his girlfriend Sophie, when I look good I see It's Lucy! My girlfriend! I see how she enjoys the touch of his lips. The slut, she always said to me "Ian is just like my brother too me," yeah I see Lucy just 'you're brother.' this is not the first time I catch her cheating on me. I'm gonna make her pay for doing it, I walk quick out of the cinema, and think about a way to pay her back, and make her feel angry just like me. After half an hour I have an idea...

Heyy everyone, sorry I promised to write a longer chapter but I'm really busy so I wrote a short one! :( hope you liked it! :) the next one will be good, promise! Sorry for my grammar mistakes, but English is not my first language! I will update my other book: Real Love again, and this story. Please vote!! <3

See ya later! Xxx

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