Chapter 10

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Hey everyone, I know I haven't updated in forever. I had no clue how to continue this story, but I really like some drama so here it comes! hope you like it.


6 months later

Lucy POV

Me, Ian and Ashley walk on the streets. We're going to my ultra sound, after the accident I rememberd nothing. I heard I was pregnant of Ian and that was a real shock. Ian and I tried to work out or relationship, after 2 weeks I rememberd what happend. I rememberd how I had drive away from Ian after he cheated on me. I had ask Ian so many times what really happened, he chose to lie. We tried to work out. He proposed to let me show he loved me and to be there for our child, I said yes. On our wedding day, when the big question was asked  I said no.
I know I love him, but he lied to me I can't forget that. We haven't seen each other much, well we only see each other when I have an ultra sounds. He wants to be here for our child.

Season 7 of PLL is done. I'm lonely. I haven't got any acting jobs, i'm just home alone, crying, eating and sometimes I fall asleep in between.

I will become a teribble mother. How could this happend, I went from happy to so lonely. Shay and Troian come visit me sometimes, I'm queit all the time. I haven't speaked to someone in weeks. I lost everyone, Anthony, Ian, Ashley.

Yes Ashley. She isn't going with us to the ultra sound to support me, but to support Ian. I walk close behind them, I see the way Ashley touched Ian's fingers, it's way I did. I see the way Ian looks at her. I'm to tired of everything to even care. She whisperd something in his ear, he laughed and kissed soft her lips. I look at the ground, maybe I care a little.


It's 2 months ago I let Ian go, I want to drink alcohol. I know I can't, the baby is everything I have left. My door is opened and I see Ashely coming in. "Hey Luce." I nod. I don't talk much. She looks tense, I give her a 'what's going on look?' And then she speaks, "I'm sorry Luce!" He voice cracks and a tear falls down. "What's going on?" I whipe the tear away. "Luce I'm in love with Ian, I.. I kissed him."

End flashback

We walk in the building, a woman with short red hair asked my name. "Lucy Hale." Ian said, he knows I will not talk.
We sit down in the waitingroom, Ian held Ashley's hand tight.
'lucy hale' is my name, if I respond different on a simple question 5 months ago my name would be 'lucy harding'.

"Lucy, you can come." Angela our doctor said. I stand up, I lose my balance because of my huge baby belly. I fall down, but a man behind me breaks my fall. I nodd with a smile at him, and give him a thank you look. "no problem." The young good-looking guy said, he has short blonde hair and deep brown eyes. "Lucy are you okay?" I hear Ian's voice. I nod at him, I smile again to the handsome guy and walk into the room.
"Will you like to know the gender?" Angela asked, Ian doesn't even looked at me and said "No, we won't-" I interupped him, "yes I want to know." My voice is raw of not talking. Ian, Ashley and Angela looked suprised at me I haven't talked in ages. "I thought we both wanted it to be a surprise?" Ian asked me. "I changed my mind." I answer, "just like you changed you're mind at our wedding day!?" He said hurt and angry. "Ian, I thought we passed this." I said tired of everything. "How the fuck can you pass that Lucy?" 


Here is chapter 10!
I will tell you later what happened between Lucy and Ashley.

I love you all!
Please vote & comment and read my one shot book and my EZRIA fanfiction: Real Love.

Kisses - E

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