Chapter 16

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Lucy POV

"Lucy." Anthony's voice calls my name, I nod at him and want to open the door of the toilet.
I'm scared to be another second in his company.

But he stops me by taking my arms, by his touch my whole body gets cold and I freez.

"Can I talk to you?" He said and looks from my cold arms to my eyes.

He looks nervous, but ofcourse he isn't. He is an creepy asshole.

"No thanks." I say quick and try to walk away, he takes my hand tighther and looks me another times in my eyes.
They are really beautiful, if I'm honest.
"Please, Lucy."
He asked another time, and I see him pleasing me with his eyes.
"Please, I have to apoligize."
He said and I don't know if he is playing a game with me right now or not.
"I really have to go to the toilet." I say and hope he will let my arm out of his grip.
"Okay ofcourse, I wait here."

I smile a frightnend at him when I close the door, and put my sweaty hands in my hair.
I walk out the toilet and Anthony is still waiting for me, next to the door.
"Luc!" He said, when he sees me trying to avoid him.
"Please let me explain!" He said when he comes to me, something about the way he says it let me wait and listen what he has to say.

We sit down on the couch, somewhere in Sasha's huge house.

"I'm so sorry Luc, about the baby but expecially about the way I threated you."
He said and there falls a tear down his cheek.

"I was sick, I was sick in my head." He said and looks at me,

"You were sick?" I asked him, "yes, the doctor has confirmed it. I was psychical so bad. I'm so sorry I hurted you Luc."
He said and cries louder.

"Ssssh, it's okay."
I say softly to him.

"No it's not, I'm so sorry aout everything I did to you. You haven't deserved any of it."
He said and tears spill down from his cheeks. I brush them away with the back of my hand.
"I know, I know.." I'm telling him the truth, I'm not mad at him at all. When I see this pretty man, crying I know he is so sorry about what he did.

"can I please make it up to you Luc?" He asked.

"Ofcourse." I say knowing I'm telling him the truth all the feelings of scared are gone and I just feel so good in his company.

"Thank you so much, for giving me this change." He said and hugs me, I put my hands around his waist and hug him back.
It feels really good, I missed this side of him so badly.


I walk back to the grass, with a big smile on my face.
"Hey, where were you?" Ian asked me.

"Just talking with someone." I say, not looking him in his eyes.

"Ok, should we go home?" He asked me and I nod.

The car ride is uncomfartable, it's quiet and all I can do is thinking about Anthony.

"Did you like the party?" He asked and I nod, "yes." I say distracted.
He  places his hand on my thigh, and smiles at me. "Me too." I smile fake at him, hoping he will move his hand quick.

We walk into my house he walking behind me and putting his arm on my shoulder, he puts my bag down and I sit on the couch.
"Are you tired?" He asked and I nod, I really am. This was the first time I went out again in months, and it made me really tired.

"Do you want me to stay here?" He asked and looks curious at me for my answer.

"Yeah, that's okay." I say, I'm still so distracted and thinking about Ian and Anthony.

I walk to my bathroom to brush my teeth, "Luce, do you have a shirt for me to sleep in?" He asked and I smile, "yes sure." Pass him an old shirt of him that lays on my pillow.

I walk back to my bathroom and brush my teeth, and put some pyjama's from my closet on.

Ian walks back out of my bathroom, and lays on the right side of my bed.

I walk to my side and take place when the covers are pulled up, Ian leans in to kiss my lips. I turn my head around and his lips touch my cheek.

He looks questionable at me.
I also don't really know why I did that.
I put my head on his chest but it doesn't feels this good like it used to do.


Her head lays on my chest and I have this feeling something is wrong.

Before she went to the toilet she told me how much she missed me and kissed me out of no whereand after the toilet she is distracted and I can't even peck her lips.

What happened?

I never had such a uncomfartable car ride with her, does she even wants me to be here?

"Sleepwell." She murmels and pulls her head away from my chest and turns around to the other side of the bed.

I close my eyes, but I can't sleep.

Lucy POV

When I close my eyes, I fall into a deep sleep...

I swim in the ocean, with him behind me. "Luc, wait!" He said, "am I going to fast?" I asked laughing. "You are!" He said also laughing, I swim back to him and put my arms around his neck, touching his long hair. "I love you." He pulls me in a hug, I put my short legs around his waist and I put my face into his soft shoulder. "I love you too." He said, I look back at him and kiss his lips, his eyes sparkle after I pull away from our sweet kiss.

I wake up with my eyes wide open,  "are you okay?" Ian said, and I look quick away. "Yes.." I say. "Goose are you ok?" He asked again.
"No, not really.."
I answer not sure about what I feel, "did you had a bad dream?" He asked worried.
"No, not at all." I say telling him the truth.

I look into his eyes, "you should try to sleep again." He said and I nod, "yes, goodnight."

I lay in my bed, thinking about my dream.

I haven't dreamed about him in months, I was so angry at him.
Can one excuse and hug make me feel so in love again?

Am I laying with the wrong man in bed, I thought my heart really belonged to Ian. But what if it never really was? What if my heart wants someone else?

Helloo, hope you LUCIAN fans liked this chapter!

My book has 2k reads, I'm so happy!! I'm also so happy my one shots book has 1k reads! <3

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