Chapter 17

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Lucy POV

Ian's voice wakes me up, "Luce, Lucy wake up."
I open my eyes, and look at him. "Did you sleep well?" He asked, and I think about everything that happened this night. My dream about Anthony, and my feelings for him.
"not really." I answer his question.

"Oh." He said, "I hope you aren't tired today." He adds and I nod.

"I made breakfast, so let's eat."
He said, I walk out my bed and put a sweatshirt on.

I smell pancakes, and we eat them in silent. "They are delicious Ian." I say and he thanks me.

It's silent again, and my thoughts are heading over to Anthony for another time this day.


"Luc?" I hear Anthony's voice, "yes babe?" I answer.
"Can I come in?" He asked, I pull my dress quick on and answer him, "yes I'm ready." He walks into the little fitting room, and when his eyes scan my dress. He gaspes, "approved?" He nods his head fast, "yes absolutely, you look so beautiful baby." He said, "I knew you would like it."
He smiles, "I do, a lot."
"I also like it!" I say and touch the pink fabric.
"And that's why I'm going to buy it for you right now." He said I smile at him and there follows a passionate kiss.

End of flashback

I eat the last bite of my pancakes and Ian stands up.
"I really want to stay here, but I have to meet up with my sister." He looks at his watch, "in 20 minutes."

"Ow, well I see you later...say hi from me to Sarah."

"Yes, I will."

We walk to the frontdoor and he opens it, do I have to kiss him? I don't really want to, but does he thinks it would be weird if I didn't?
He reacts first and gives me a clumsy kiss on my cheek, "bye." He mumbles, and I wave him goodbye.

I close the door behind him, and sit on the ground infront of it. That was an akward morning..

I change into some new jeans and a simple t-shirt, I check my phone and see I have some new messages in our PLL-cast group chat.

Tyler: Have you all seen Marlene's e-mail?
Ashley: no what does it say?
Shay: omg
Shay: i'm in! :)
Ashley: what does it say?
Tyler: Mar asked if we all are in for a season 8..
Sasha: i don't know..
Troian: I missed filming with you guys, but I'm trying to concentrate on other films and tv-shows.
Ashley: ofcourse I'm in! #haleb
Keegan: i feel so betrayded #riptobias
Tyler: I guess I'm in. If ash and shay are..
Troian: I don't know, it's a maybe.
Keegan: common Troian, I'm also in for season 8!!
Ashley: you know Toby is dead right? :')
Keegan: yes ofc i know but there are also flashbacks and #spoby4life
Sasha: I'm also in.
Shay: #emison
Troian: I think I am..
Tyler: and is lucian in?
Ashley: ofcourse they are!
Keegan: #ezria

I check quick at my e-mail and read Marlene's words.

....Season 8....

I call Troian, and she reacts inmediatly.

She said from the other line, "hey."

"And are you in?" She asked me and I answer her without any doubt....

Hey, hoped you liked this chapter. Sorry that it's so short, and sorry for cliffhanger. What do you think Lucy will answer?

Should I write long chapters and update slower or short chapters and update more often?
Comment your thoughts
And please comment what you thought about the text message thing, should I do that more often?

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